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Quicktime alterative


iPF Noob
Hi all,
please can you tell me if I should be able to play videos taken with the iPad and down loaded to my PC via Dropbox, using "Quicktime Alternative", rarther than the full blown "Quicktime".
anthonyq said:
Hi all,
please can you tell me if I should be able to play videos taken with the iPad and down loaded to my PC via Dropbox, using "Quicktime Alternative", rarther than the full blown "Quicktime".

try VLC on apps store

iPad 3 
anthonyq said:
Hi all,
please can you tell me if I should be able to play videos taken with the iPad and down loaded to my PC via Dropbox, using "Quicktime Alternative", rarther than the full blown "Quicktime".

here i found some more

oplayer, AVPlayer, BUZZ Player, GoodPlayer

iPad 3 
Thank you for the replys, I may not have made it clear what my problem is. It is when I have down loaded the file on to my PC (Windows Vista) that I am unable to view the recording.

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