iPF Noob
Just needed to ventilate a bit... Windows is a pain!
No, it did not crashed...
No, it did not freeze...
No, I did not get a virus...
Windows just annoys me... Updating core components or .Net frameworks take for ever. And those annoying notifications that need to be clicked: there is no network, there is detected wifi, wifi is not connected, wifi is connected... Darn, each time I login my desktop. Oh and there is also the "You have unused icons on you desktop...". And I know, my firewall is not active, just shut-up about it!
This is windows xp, maybe things got better in Win7...
Ahhh, feel better now, thanks for listening
VicoPad addict!
No, it did not crashed...
No, it did not freeze...
No, I did not get a virus...
Windows just annoys me... Updating core components or .Net frameworks take for ever. And those annoying notifications that need to be clicked: there is no network, there is detected wifi, wifi is not connected, wifi is connected... Darn, each time I login my desktop. Oh and there is also the "You have unused icons on you desktop...". And I know, my firewall is not active, just shut-up about it!
This is windows xp, maybe things got better in Win7...
Ahhh, feel better now, thanks for listening
VicoPad addict!