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ready to RETURN THE IPAD !!!!!!!!! ugh !!!! I need an app!


iPF Noob
Ok...so I'm new to the Apple world but I have a new business and I need the Ipad because it's easy
to carry with me but I need to use SPreadsheets that don't require me to be online. I just need
to have the spreadsheet on the Ipad and be able to make changes as needed...HELP !!! what do
i do??? any suggestions?? this is an expensive piece of technology to just carry around for Email and
games and Facebook !!!!

Kim In Iowa
Can you not use Numbers, the spreadsheet app from Apple designed for the iPad? It will cost you $10.
Additionally if you search "spreadsheet" in the App store, you'll find multiple selections in a range of prices, including FREE, that may meet your needs.


Sent from my iPhone using iPF
AdmiralAdama said:
Additionally if you search "spreadsheet" in the App store, you'll find multiple selections in a range of prices, including FREE, that may meet your needs.


Sent from my iPhone using iPF

Yes, but they require Wi-fi to function
kiminiowa said:
Yes, but they require Wi-fi to function

Most of the apps that I have for spreadsheets do not require wifi. I have Numbers, QuickOffice, Office2HD, etc and the only time they require a connection is if I am emailing or using Dropbox.

The Archangel
kiminiowa said:
Yes, but they require Wi-fi to function

They don't require it, they probably have features such as iCloud backup that uses wifi, but you can still use it. I use "numbers" on my iPad with no wifi when I'm in class. No problems whatsoever. It's just like running excel on a laptop/pc with no Internet, there is no reason it shouldn't work because of that.
well in fact i do not use my ipad for email and facebook but i use my ipad for my works and games and reading and its great so you just need to be willing to try out different spreadsheet apps and one you get what you want you will never let your ipad go :thumbs:
Hi Kim, my iPad is in my purse too, to access spreadsheets, PDFs and anything else I may need at my fingertips when away from my home office. I use Dropbox to sync between my computer and iPad/iPhone. Like many of the others who have answered have said, you shouldn't need wifi to be able to edit your documents. Hope you have it figured out, the iPad has been a useful tool for me for business, you just have to find the right apps to assist you.

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