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Real Racing 3 Chevrolet Update Announced by Firemonkeys


iPadForums News Team

[FONT=&amp]iDownload Blog has some great news today for fans of the excellent Real Racing 3 freemium iOS game, with developer Firemonkeys and EA announcing that the game will soon be getting an update, the Chevrolet Update, no less, which will feature at least two new cars, namely the Chevrolet Cobalt SS and the Camaro ZL1. Aside from these, and possibly other, new cars, a new game mode, the Hunter mode, is also featured in the update, as well as 100 new events. According to iDownload Blog, a Cloud Save feature is also being added to the game via the update, so that you can sync your in-game progress with all your iOS devices, and you’ll also be able to compare your score with your friends via the statistic leaderboard. No word as to when the update is coming to the App Store, just that it will be soon. [/FONT]

[FONT=&amp]Click here to download the free game: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/real-racing-3/id556164008?mt=8[/FONT]

[FONT=&amp]Source:[/FONT] Real Racing 3 gaining cloud saves, Hunter game mode, new cars and 100+ events
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