iPad Fan
I just don't understand why apple wants to take away the users ability to personalize their iPads. I understand the fact that people may download illegal apps but for the legit users like myself why all the fuss????
Each Jailbreak is based on a security flaw (especially the unteathered ones). I'm in favor of Apple providing a secure way to give (knowlegable and forwarned) uses total access to their devices. I'm not in favor of them intentionaly leaving security holes in the system as a convineince to jailbreaking.
Since only a very small portion of the market is interested in jailbreaking, Apple probably does not see any reason they should go to the trouble to provide an approved path. On the other side, there they have lots of incentive and pressure to make iOS as secure as possible.
And so, the saga will most likely continue.
There may be other factors. I'm not rulling out the possibilith of 'evil' marketing geniuses trying to take over the world, but I'm not going to spend a lot of time worrying about it when there are simple, practical, reasons that things are they way they are.