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Real Time HTML Editor - *NEW* iPad App!


iPF Noob
I am a young web developer, and I have just started creating iOS apps. My first app is a very simple Real Time HTML Editor.

The app has limited functionality; it has no save function or keyboard shortcuts (the screenshot is all that there is), although I intended for it to be used for coding on the move or trying out ideas etc and therefore I wanted it to be simple and clean - well, apart from the fact that I don't have to capacity to code amazing advanced apps with save functions as of yet… Here is a screen shot:


I believe that it is the only app of its kind at present on the iOS app store, and therefore most probably the only app of its kind on any app store!

The app is just £0.69, setting itself apart from the other HTML editors on the app store that are £4.99 (although I am aware that these apps have more functions).

I would be very grateful if you could take a look, and maybe download it for the very low price!
This is a great idea,

Ive been looking for something like this for a while as the problem with most html editors on iPad is that you have to go back and forth all the time between code and preview. Many designers including myself like having a live preview pane when experimenting with new code or trying new techniques.

I think its well worth while trying to develop this further by adding a save function as you hope.

Other thing that HTML editors are missing which you may want to consider:

DocTypes: theres nothing worse than having type these out all the time or copy them from other pages etc, it'd be nice to be able to insert already written script for the boring bits.

Style Sheet pane: id suggest adding a pane perhaps expandable at the bottom which contains a linked style sheet; another problem I find I constantly have to switch to all the time.

Libraries: maybe find a way to easily link to JQuery & WebFont libraries etc on Google developer tools: would save time having to download all the scripts etc to your own server.

a Good start to a potentially Great App anyway!!

Well Done!

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