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Reasons the iPad is Better than a Netbook

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Well, let us face the reality. The iPad is far better compared to a Netbook. The iPd has more features than the netbook. The iPad has also a wider screen. The design of the iPad is perfect.

Uh...that's not even close to true. I have a Sony Vaio P series netbook that has a screen that's smaller with a much better resolution, USB ports, VGA and CAT-5 ports with a much smaller footprint, half the weight of the iPad, 4 times the storage and runs Windows 7 which is almost infinitely more capable than the OS on the iPad. That netbook replaced a now years old tablet that had a touchscreen, ran Windows XP great, also had a ton of ports and was also lighter than the iPad with a lot more storage and nearly the same resolution at the same screen size. I'm not knocking the iPad or it's OS, it's nice and I bought one, but let's not get carried away. It's not all that novel, it's not a netbook, it's not a notepad, it's not a laptop and compared to a full featured OS like Windows, it's extremely restrictive. I'd categorize it as between an iPhone and a netbook, closer to the iPhone.

You should check your facts before you post stupid shit like this. That POS Sony Vaio P weighs 1.3 pounds...last time I checked that't not half of 1.5 pounds. Reviewers got 2h15 minutes battery life, what a joke! iPad reviewers are getting between 11 and 12 hours. iPad is much cheaper at $499 versus $799 for this garbage.

Here's a question for you Netbook fanboys.....how long does it take you to fire up your netbook, launch your browser and load your home page? I'm laughing out loud just at the thought of that. It's. fucking. slow. I've set up and used numerous different types of Netbooks for the staff I support. I keep telling them not the buy these fucking things, and they insist on doing it, then complain after a week of having it that it's retardedly slow.
You should check your facts before you post stupid shit like this. That POS Sony Vaio P weighs 1.3 pounds...last time I checked that't not half of 1.5 pounds. Reviewers got 2h15 minutes battery life, what a joke! iPad reviewers are getting between 11 and 12 hours. iPad is much cheaper at $499 versus $799 for this garbage.

Here's a question for you Netbook fanboys.....how long does it take you to fire up your netbook, launch your browser and load your home page? I'm laughing out loud just at the thought of that. It's. fucking. slow. I've set up and used numerous different types of Netbooks for the staff I support. I keep telling them not the buy these fucking things, and they insist on doing it, then complain after a week of having it that it's retardedly slow.

Riiight....you know, there are plenty of forums on the net that have already been taken over by obnoxious, know-it-all poser tools who can't write a sentence without using profanity and belittling anything and anyone that doesn't march in locked goosestep with their opinion. Try forums.macrumors.com, you'll fit in there perfectly. Beyond that, I couldn't really care less what your point was.
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You should check your facts before you post stupid shit like this. That POS Sony Vaio P weighs 1.3 pounds...last time I checked that't not half of 1.5 pounds. Reviewers got 2h15 minutes battery life, what a joke! iPad reviewers are getting between 11 and 12 hours. iPad is much cheaper at $499 versus $799 for this garbage.

Here's a question for you Netbook fanboys.....how long does it take you to fire up your netbook, launch your browser and load your home page? I'm laughing out loud just at the thought of that. It's. fucking. slow. I've set up and used numerous different types of Netbooks for the staff I support. I keep telling them not the buy these fucking things, and they insist on doing it, then complain after a week of having it that it's retardedly slow.

Riiight....you know, there are plenty of forums on the net that have already been taken over by obnoxious, know-it-all poser tools who can't write a sentence without using profanity and belittling anything and anyone that doesn't march in locked goosestep with their opinion. Try forums.macrumors.com, you'll fit in there perfectly. Beyond that, I couldn't really care less what your point was.

Guess I have to quote you this time, before you make another edit.

So, your response is basically, "I can't handle the intense online pressure!"
you can't compare the iPad to a netbook. the iPad is a big phone, the netbook is a small PC, we're talking about radical differences here.

While it's certainly true the iPad is much easier and comforting to use, it's restricted in many practical ways like USB ports.
Most netbooks have full PC functionality but they certainly are slow and a pain to use especially with small touch pads. but at least it's a fully functional PC.

The question really comes to, do you really need to carry a fully functional PC with you everywhere? do you have to edit Excel documents on a subway train? For me the answer is no, and I have a PC that's probably more than 100x more powerful than a netbook at home for me to "edit excel documents". When on the run, I want something that gets the job done fast and easy, like a quick look into wikipedia.
It's kind of interesting in that if you go to Consumer Reports and look at the top laptops in various sizes and the top desktops - they're all Mac's - period!!!

But the Apple products cost more - double the cost of the competitive PC models. Why? Because the Mac's are high quality well thought out well performing computing products. Most of the PC products are pieces of poo.

And since there's one manufacturer of Mac's (Apple) they can be picky and snobby when it comes to technology choices and create the best products on the market.

On the PC side of the house you have a dozen major manufacturers all trying to beat the crap out of each other by creating the cheapest piece of poop that they can - and then camouflaging said poop with pretty bling - eye candy - shiny paint. And the newest fad is making the damned things tiny. But it's not out of enhancing the user experience and functionality - it's out of cheapness. "Look Marge - we can get a laptop of $350 - holy geez Marge what's this world coming to?" That's right, $350 for a piece of Korean poop. Another $35 in taxes, $75 to replace it in case it breaks in two halves - what a country.

For Christmas I bought 2 of my kids Netbooks (I was oblivious as to the state of the iPad). Now when I think about their Netbooks (one broken one ailing) I look in the mirror and take on the head of a donkey like in the Bugs Bunny cartoons when Bugs does something really stupid.

The iPad is an amazing piece of technology. It really is a breakthrough in what the processes of future computing may look like. These units appear to be rock solid and deliver on virtually every promise made (although noted there are some issues with wifi). At an average price of around $650 (averaging all units and models) iPads are about double the price of the netbook - which is consistant with Apples marketing techniques.

I invite you to read these forums and look for the multitudes of threads about how the iPad is breaking, getting 1/2 of advertised battery life, screens going out, memory frying, etc. . . Not happening - know why? Apple has also produced a quality unit. And the coolest part is that with this one product Apple was able to plunge a knife deep into the heart of this piece of spit netbook industry.

This is going to be interesting.

Now - on this this particular thread. I don't know about you all - but I'm getting bored with these iPad v. netbook comparisons. And the iPad v. Windows 7 comparisons. You can't compare these two beasts - they operate on a separate set of use case scenarios and user experiences. It would be like trying to compare two types of transportations modes - let's say driving a 2002 Ford and driving a shuttlecraft.

(BTW - FrostyFire: See - it is possible to make your point without trying to use the F' word as much as possible - kind of like how a 9 year old would try to talk)!
you can't compare the iPad to a netbook. the iPad is a big phone, the netbook is a small PC, we're talking about radical differences here.

While it's certainly true the iPad is much easier and comforting to use, it's restricted in many practical ways like USB ports.
Most netbooks have full PC functionality but they certainly are slow and a pain to use especially with small touch pads. but at least it's a fully functional PC.

The question really comes to, do you really need to carry a fully functional PC with you everywhere? do you have to edit Excel documents on a subway train? For me the answer is no, and I have a PC that's probably more than 100x more powerful than a netbook at home for me to "edit excel documents". When on the run, I want something that gets the job done fast and easy, like a quick look into wikipedia.

The iPad is NOT a phone!
you can't compare the iPad to a netbook. the iPad is a big phone, the netbook is a small PC, we're talking about radical differences here.

While it's certainly true the iPad is much easier and comforting to use, it's restricted in many practical ways like USB ports.
Most netbooks have full PC functionality but they certainly are slow and a pain to use especially with small touch pads. but at least it's a fully functional PC.

The question really comes to, do you really need to carry a fully functional PC with you everywhere? do you have to edit Excel documents on a subway train? For me the answer is no, and I have a PC that's probably more than 100x more powerful than a netbook at home for me to "edit excel documents". When on the run, I want something that gets the job done fast and easy, like a quick look into wikipedia.

The iPad is NOT a phone!

by "phone" I mean smartphone, today making calls is no longer the primary function of a smartphone, as far as I consider it. btw does it even matter what I wish to call the iPad? I can call it a netbook without keyboards if i wanted.
Moving back to the topic at hand.

Yesterday I had 100's of photos to sort thru and select just a few. Normally this would have had me going back and forth between 2 applications. I set my iPad on one app and my iMac on the other. I screened the photos on the iPad and selected & refiled them on the Mac. It saved many clicks & lots of time to do this. My left hand could poke, pinch and scroll on the iPad while my right had moused, typed, and clicked.

Its a job that always takes a lot of time & it was performed in 1/2 the time using the iPad.

Considering that it takes time for people to adapt to using any device, it says a lot for the iPad how well so many are dealing with it. Most of the issues are software imperfections rather than hardware issues.
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