I think the issue is one of minor variance in what people use a netbook/iPad/laptop for. I ignore a lot of the nuances of computers like RSS feeds, on-line games, most games in general, and twitter. I do have a facebook account, but only to check in on what is going on in a very large family. I would never want a netbook for the reason I don't see any advantage over my MacBook and the keypad is better on the MacBook. I would never give up my iMac just because I have the MacBook, and I do not plan on trading my MacBook for my iPad. I do plan on using my iPad for travel because I do not do a lot of writing or other work on the road. I need to check e-mails, surf the web, read books, and the occassional game of Freecell. That is where the iPad is a promising device. I take my MB everywhere, but it has no 3G and is not as friendly for airline seats or long car drives. The battery life is too short and it has too many accessories. A netbook is no different and it is not a Mac. All you get is a smaller screen with no real added benefits.