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Reasons why people hate the ipad...debunked

Thphilli said:
Say you download an album from some website or a video from some website, how do you integrate it with the iPod app or the videos app without iTunes? Sure you can just use ifiles to launch a third party app, but that is annoying.

Easy..lol..just take that file in ifiles, cut/paste into appropriate app or document folder of 3rd party media player and BAM! I'm done. Trust me, I do it all the time...iPod app has no use for me as I don't put music on my iPad. All streaming services like Pandora, tune mark, etc.. Even if I wanted to, I could easily cut/paste mp3's where they need to go. Anywhere I'm at with out needing iTunes.

Sent from my Jailbroken IPad on 4.2.1 ;-)
Same thing with being Jailbroken, having ifiles, and camera connection kit. Standard iPad only sees supported formats for photos n vids. With Ifiles, I can see "Everything" on my SD card or USB drive. Then I can use ifiles to
Lace the files wherever the format is supported at on my iPad .

Sent from my Jailbroken IPad on 4.2.1 ;-)
Thphilli said:
Say you download an album from some website or a video from some website, how do you integrate it with the iPod app or the videos app without iTunes? Sure you can just use ifiles to launch a third party app, but that is annoying.

Easy..lol..just take that file in ifiles, cut/paste into appropriate app or document folder of 3rd party media player and BAM! I'm done. Trust me, I do it all the time...iPod app has no use for me as I don't put music on my iPad. All streaming services like Pandora, tune mark, etc.. Even if I wanted to, I could easily cut/paste mp3's where they need to go. Anywhere I'm at with out needing iTunes.

Sent from my Jailbroken IPad on 4.2.1 ;-)

No, I know. I do the same. All I am saying is that its annoying to do that instead of having iOS automatically recognize that there is a new album and integrate it into the iPod app automagically.
Thphilli said:
No, I know. I do the same. All I am saying is that its annoying to do that instead of having iOS automatically recognize that there is a new album and integrate it into the iPod app automagically.

Ok, I see where u coming from now. That is assuming the iPad supports that format. If it doesn't then u would need to find another workaround like ifiles, for ex. If apple would just support all major formats, whether vids, music, or whatever, I wouldn't need to jailbreak to free me from the reins of apple constraints.. Just like how apple changed the voltage on the USB output for CCK. They saw too many people doing and using it for too many good reasons and reduced the voltage to only mostly support apple accessories. Now that blows. Regardless of Apples constraints, they have a great product here, in the form of iPad, that I can hardly ever put down. I use it that much for practically everything.

Sent from my Jailbroken IPad on 4.2.1 ;-)
Does anyone here know someone with an android tablet? Maybe we should have them let us know what it good about it vs. saying what is bad about the ipad. I think it may be hard to find one of these people.

I know three actually, but they obviously don't spend much time surfing iPad forums. :) Having used three different Android tablets I can't say I have found any of them superior to the iPad, but at the same time they aren't nearly as bad as most iPad users tend to believe.
For what it is worth, I am not saying the ipad is the greatest device in the world. However, the point that I was trying to make was that the OP was originally trying to belittle the ipad but at the same time hype Android tablet.

Does anyone here know someone with an android tablet? Maybe we should have them let us know what it good about it vs. saying what is bad about the ipad. I think it may be hard to find one of these people.

I love my ipad, it fits my needs and there is rarely a time when I use my MBP because I can't do something on the ipad.

There are many things that Android tablets do much better than the iPad. Everytime someone tries to explain what those are though, they have to deal with a bunch of people losing their minds and either making things up or playing super Apple fanboy and dismissing the positives as unimportant. And then come the in the Super Moderators who are REALLY invested in a particular platform ans say some REALLY untrue things. And then the thread is closed when you rebut their misinformation.

Love my iPad, but its certainly not a perfect device.
From this moderator's perspective, the problem we had with this guy was that he came here for no other reason than to talk about how much he hates the iPad. I mean what part of Apple iPad Forum did he not get?

But in all fairness, for all their best efforts in creating this forum, the owners may have actually created a monster. Not a huge monster, just a little one. I think that when some people see the name of the forum plus the fact that we bill ourselves as The Ultimate Apple iPad Site, they assume that this place is being run by the same company that makes the iPad.

iPad Forums is a privately owned forum. We only share our name with a particular product and the company that makes it. I think when some people come here for no other reason than to complain what a failure the product is, they think that Steve Jobs himself will see what they are writing. Maybe he does, maybe he doesn't. We have no control over that.

So when we seem rather intolerant of members who go on and on about how Apple products are pieces of garbage and how fantastic the Android system is, all we ask you to keep in mind that this forum was set up for iPad owners (and potential owners) to exchange ideas and information for maximizing their utility and enjoyment of.... are you ready for this.... the iPad!
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From this moderator's perspective, the problem we had with this guy was that he came here for no other reason than to talk about how much he hates the iPad. I mean what part of Apple iPad Forum did he not get?

But in all fairness, for all their best efforts in creating this forum, the owners may have actually created a monster. Not a huge monster, just a little one. I think that when some people see the name of the forum plus the fact that we bill ourselves as The Ultimate Apple iPad Site, they assume that this place is being run by the same company that makes the iPad.

iPad Forums is a privately owned forum. We only share our name with a particular product and the company that makes it. I think when some people come here for no other reason than to complain what a failure the product is, they think that Steve Jobs himself will see what they are writing. Maybe he does, maybe he doesn't. We have no control over that.

So when we seem rather intolerant of members who go on and on about how Apple products are pieces of garbage and how fantastic the Android system is, all we ask you to keep in mind that this forum was set up for iPad owners (and potential owners) to exchange ideas and information for maximizing their utility and enjoyment of.... are you ready for this.... the iPad!

I wasn't talking about the guy that inspired this post. I completely missed whatever post it was that inspired this whole thread. I am talking about prior threads I have been involved in with a different super moderator where I have never called the iPad garbage, maybe iOS a few times sure, but never the iPad in general. I was just saying that I find it hard to discuss valid differences and places where the iPad could be improved if nearly everytime a Super Moderator comes in and rants about how his "Droid is garbage", etc, etc, etc.

I understand why this forum was created, and I would not be a member here if I didn't own and love my iPad. That doesn't mean that because I love it that its a flawless product and that it doesn't annoy the hell out of me sometimes.
I don't understand why anyone would find something wrong with the iPad, or any Apple product. They are the latest in technology and only hated by a few hardcore Android enthusiasts.
Only thing I could complain about iPad or iPods are the prices. However, I'd rather pay a high price to have access to over a million apps than pay little and only access thousands.
Thphilli said:
I wasn't talking about the guy that inspired this post. I completely missed whatever post it was that inspired this whole thread. I am talking about prior threads I have been involved in with a different super moderator where I have never called the iPad garbage, maybe iOS a few times sure, but never the iPad in general. I was just saying that I find it hard to discuss valid differences and places where the iPad could be improved if nearly everytime a Super Moderator comes in and rants about how his "Droid is garbage", etc, etc, etc.

I understand why this forum was created, and I would not be a member here if I didn't own and love my iPad. That doesn't mean that because I love it that its a flawless product and that it doesn't annoy the hell out of me sometimes.

I truly see where u coming from as I have witnessed these events here in the threads you speak of. I think people initially thought you was an Android fanboy but I've seen/read enough of your posts to see that you love tech, in general. Whether Android or Apple. You like them both. Nothing wrong with that as I like them both also. Some users/supermods automatically assume when a valid point is said going against apple, that you are trying to bash it. Apple needs Android and vs. Versa for competition factor. Without either, more innovative things might not occur or occur as fast as we are seeing them. I can't lie, I thought the Xoom was really gonna give my iPad a good run for the money. Cause on paper, Xoom is a beast, in Reality, it was rushed and only created to compete with ipad1, which it still loses on that front. Ipad2 came in and surprised everyone with the specs and sent companies( like Samsung galaxy tab) back to the drawing boards. I have no doubt future devices will be on par with iPad as it's only a matter of time b4 the other manufacturers "get it". Only the tech heads, like majority of users on this forum, want all the extra bells n whistles like on a desktop. Majority of the world wants something simple and easy to use right out of the box. The iPad currently fills this void very nicely.

Sent from my Jailbroken IPad on 4.2.1 ;-)
Thphilli said:
I do the same thing, but I don't think that is a valid rebuttal to what the original complaint was. Personally I think the speakers on my iPad are pretty fantastic for the size of the iPad. Of course I wouldn't mind Apple throwing in 2 speakers or even 3 like some of the upcoming android tablets so that there is stereo sound no matter how you hold the tablet, but I wouldn't personally even mention speakers as a complaint against the iPad because I think they are perfectly acceptable how they are.

Agree. I'm not unhappy at all with the speakers on my gen 1. I don't tend to listen to music on it, but watch movies some, vimeo and youtube, podcasts, but often use earphones just not to annoy others.
Diane B said:
Agree. I'm not unhappy at all with the speakers on my gen 1. I don't tend to listen to music on it, but watch movies some, vimeo and youtube, podcasts, but often use earphones just not to annoy others.

Exactly, iPad isn't meant to be loud like a boom box or mini stereo system. It'll be different t if apple used bose speaker technology in the iPad but would drive the costs up like crazy. If u want louder sound, hook up ur headphones, external speakers, stereo system or to your t.v. Sound issue solved. If iPad speakers were any louder for long periods of time theyd problem blow..lol imagine hearing an iPad with a blown speaker :-/

Sent from my Jailbroken IPad on 4.2.1 ;-)
gatecitycanes said:
I'm not a big fan of having to go through iTunes for certain things either. And a USB port would be nice. I don't think those criticisms are invalid.

Agreed. iTunes isn't the best out there and having to connect to it every time is annoying to some degree.

However not all functions are bad, backing up your idevices is a function I love.
Without either, more innovative things might not occur or occur as fast as we are seeing them. I can't lie, I thought the Xoom was really gonna give my iPad a good run for the money.

Yes and no - after all, at this point, Apple seem to already be doing a pretty good job of innovation and invention without any competition. Sometimes the harshest and most demanding critic can be "yourself".

Right now I'm just waiting to see if the competition can catch up, given all the odds stacked against them, or if Apple will simply open the gap even further.
Ref the earlier comment about not being able to download music/video and have it automatically integrate into your iPod/video app. You can if you buy it from the iTunes store. ;). I do have some sympathy for the complaint, but I think its one of the things consumers need to understand and accept when buying an Apple product (and many other companies for that matter) - while they won't stop you from downloading media from elsewhere, they're not going to make it super easy for you either ;). The Kindle is a good example, and Sony has a long history of *truly* horrific formats and software.

And there are ways around it - as an example - use atomic browser to download into dropbox, and then use a video player with dropbox integration to fetch the file to your iPad from there. I'm not saying it's ideal, and I'm not saying it isn't irritating; but it is business, and when your hardware/OS and media provider are so closely linked I think you may always have these problems as a user - they are simply trying to protect their revenue stream after all.

The biggest valid complaint in my mind is lack of wireless synch. It seems ridiculous to me that my iOS device doesn't conduct a background synch over wifi whenever i'm on my home network. I don't know if I'd want it to do it when on public networks because of privacy concerns, but I see no technical reason why that isn't even possible if your iTunes is visible over the Internet. *Edit: but my MobileMe already does this with my calendar/contacts/etc.. So..

Most of the other complaints raised are nonsensical unless you want to criticise every tablet computer (which simply marks you out as a luddite IMO), and laughable if you're trying to 'big up' a competitors (not competitive ;)) device - which are, as has already been stated, universally garbage compared to the iPad even WITH it's flaws.
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Ingoiolo said:
Most of the criticisms are fair.
Loving the iPad does not mean playing blind to its several weird deficiencies... I do love it, but som iOS features are objectively stupid

Fully agree, more than that fair criticism is fully justified. Also the android vs ios banter is a good thing because without compitition ios would suffer from slow innovation. Excellent discusion in this whole topic.

Sent from my iPad using iPF

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