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Recommended JB Apps, Settings, etc?


iPF Noob
I jailbroke my ipad 2 and have downloaded a few themes and apps (Retinapad, FullScreen Safari, SB Settings, iFile, FullForce, maybe a few others). I am wondering if there are any great apps or system tweaks that you guys recommend, whether its for battery life, performance, etc??
CC268 said:
I jailbroke my ipad 2 and have downloaded a few themes and apps (Retinapad, FullScreen Safari, SB Settings, iFile, FullForce, maybe a few others). I am wondering if there are any great apps or system tweaks that you guys recommend, whether its for battery life, performance, etc??

How do you download programs on the Ipad2? I get a message "safari can't download this file". It doesn't matter which file I try to download.
wolfpack, you need to jailbreak, then use Cydia to download and install your apps / tweaks.

There is plenty of information about what this means and how to do it in our sticky posts. Please have a good read through them all, in the various different section of the Hacking area.

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