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ReelzChannel Launches Two New Free Movie Apps for iPad


iPadForums News Team

ReelzChannel has today announced the launch of two new free movie apps for iPad. The first of the two apps, Movies At A Glance, enables movie lovers to help, and be helped by, other movie lovers by displaying their review ratings alongside those from top critics and fellow movie goers. And just as the name suggests, the app gives users a quick, at-a-glance look at movies they might be thinking about seeing, either at the cinema, or at home on TV and DVD. Other features include:

  • Movie times whether it’s showing in ten minutes at a local theater or a week from now on TV and on what channel
  • The ability to rate more than 100,000 movies in the REELZCHANNEL vault and what top movie experts including REELZCHANNEL hosts Leonard Maltin and Richard Roeper are saying about the same movies you’re rating
  • Movie DNA including who’s in the cast, posters, trailers, release dates, MPAA ratings, genre categories and plot synopses
  • Theater listings based on phone’s location settings and GPS so even when away from their local theaters, movie lovers can quickly find out what movies are playing and where
Download the Movies At A Glance iPad app for free here.

The other app released today is Naked Trailers, which despite the name isn’t something raunchy that Apple might be thinking about removing from the App Store, but is in fact based on the ReelzChannel daily TV show of the same name. The app features thousands of trailers for movies, be they in the cinema, on TV, On Demand, Pay-Per-View or DVD, and includes vintage and video game trailers. Other app features include:

  • Trailers for movies coming soon, in theaters, on TV, DVD and On Demand
  • Trailers for hot new video games and vintage trailers for movies as far back as the 40s
  • Enhanced search functions using movie titles or actor and actress names
  • High-quality video with auto-adjust video feature so movie fans can watch trailers at any connection speed
Download the Naked Trailers iPad app for free here.

Both apps are also iPhone-compatible.

Source: ReelzChannel

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