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IMDb Updates iPad/ iPhone App With New International Features


iPadForums News Team

Good old IMDb (The Internet Movie Database), it’s solved many a “who starred in what†argument, and has always been a perfect way to solve those “where have I seen him/her before" queries about actors in movies and TV shows, and generally, it’s just an all round informative website. IMDb released an app for the iPad and iPhone earlier in the year which even included movie trailers and local show times, but it had some global restrictions. Now TechCrunch reports that IMDb has updated the app to include several new features, with the first of these being that it now includes local movie times for 13 more countries, including the UK, Canada, Australia, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Mexico, New Zealand, Argentina and Chile. Fans will also have the ability to give their personal ratings for movies from the app.

Other new features include a re-design of the home screen, which now includes the latest movie trailers, as well as updated entertainment news from a plethora of different media sources. Pro users will also be pleased to find that they can log in with their IMDb Pro accounts from the app to access their contacts’ details, and they can even make calls to those contacts from the iPhone app.

You can download the free app here.

Source: TechCrunch

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