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Refurbished first generation 32 gig or new Ipad 2 16 gig?


iPF Noob
I would like to purchase a 32 gig ipad 2 but cannot afford it but I can afford a 16 gig ipad 2.

I was looking at Apples website and noticed they are selling the refurbished first generation ipad with 32 gigs for 429.00.

What should I buy? The 32 gig first generation ipad or the 16 gig ipad 2?
It is really your decision!
Which to my mind, depends on what you want, when you want it, and how much you are prepared to pay!
Although, why you are striking for a 32 gb starter, seems to me to be gb excessive, that is a lot of space to fill up.
My suggestion is to select versatility and usefulness , 3G and wi-fi first, then gb after.
Looking through the various apps I have never noticed any suggested or required minimum memory.

I hope these thoughts may be helpful.

Sent from my iPad using iPF
I jumped on a discounted iPad 1 when the 2 hit the streets. I regreted my decision and took it back and got the 2. Speed, Verizon and iPad 2 enhanced Apps is what helped make my decision.
Got to decide on what you will use it for. Is more memory important? Like for carting your videos and music around with you all the time? My first iPod was a 30GB and I out grew it fast. I didn't like adjusting iTunes all the time, and ended up buying an 80GB when they came out. I should have gone with the bigger one up front. But then, do you want the new features of the iPad 2? You may want to tuck that money away until you can afford one that will do what you want.
RJ551 said:
I would like to purchase a 32 gig ipad 2 but cannot afford it but I can afford a 16 gig ipad 2.

I was looking at Apples website and noticed they are selling the refurbished first generation ipad with 32 gigs for 429.00.

What should I buy? The 32 gig first generation ipad or the 16 gig ipad 2?

I have owned both and prefer model 1 to 2. I'd buy the larger 32gig, especially if cameras are not that important to you. Having 2 cams really adds nothing, and I think I might return it and go back to model 1.
Thanks everyone for the advise.

I am curious why Devyn Quinn is thinking about taking their ipad 2 back for the ipad 1.
RJ551 said:
Thanks everyone for the advise.

I am curious why Devyn Quinn is thinking about taking their ipad 2 back for the ipad 1.

I actually like my iPad 1 better than my iPad 2. I guess I got used to the weight and more solid feel. The cameras aren't really a draw for me.

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