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Reinstall iOS5.0.1


iPF Noob
I guys.

I have an iPad 2 currently running iOS 5.0.1. About a week ago my computer broke and when I took it to the shops the guy who was fixing it has wiped everything off with my computer. Along with it my iTunes folder...

So I have a 64gb iPad 2 wifi with all my apps on it. This iPad is also jailbroken and as you can imagine i have other tweaks on it that have been installed from Cydia. Nothing illegal is on my iPad.

Anyway when I connect my pad to the computer it flags up in iTunes saying it needs to sync the pad. This will wipe everything and not only lose all my apps but also install 5.1 which is currently not jailbroken.

I have the shsh blobs for 5.0.1 and was wondering whether it was possible for me to reinstall 5.0.1 but sync my pad with the newly installed windows computer.

I don't care about my apps as such because I can redownload them from iTunes.

I just want to be able to keep my jailbroken device as I use cool tools like winter board for example.

Your sync partnership has been wiped from the PC, so the only way to set another one up is to restore. But you DONT want to do that as you will be forced to move to 5.1 and you will lose your jailbreak.

It is impossible to restore 5.0.1 to your iPad2, even with SHSH Blobs. They dont' currently work for 5.x on iPad2.

Seems to me like you are going to live without a sync link to your PC for a while. When a 5.1 jailbreak for iPad2 is released you can then use that as an opportunity to set up a new sync partnershop with the PC by allowing it to wipe the device and install 5.1.

This shouldn't be too much of a problem. You can continue to use iTunes on the iPad to purchase apps until then.
You can also configure iTunes on your PC with your Apple ID and download all your apps. There is a "purchased" button on the main "iTunes Store" page towards the top right. This lets you download all your apps again onto the PC (even though you can't sync them). If you are using iCloud, new purchases which you make on your PC will even be downloaded to your iPad wirelessly if you configure it correctly in Settings > Store on the iPad.

Finally, if you want to backup your Cydia apps, tweaks, and settings, you can use something like PkgBackup - http://www.ipadforums.net/jailbreak...p-safeguard-your-jailbreak-apps-settings.html

Hope that helps.
Unfortunately you can't. 5.0.1 for the iPad2 is no longer signed, regardless of whether you have SHSH blobs or if you backdoor into a Cydia server to get it "authentically" signed. Until they come out with a 5.1 untethered, use WinSCP to do all your transfers if possible. It can be a hassle but it's better than losing all your jailbroken data.
thanks for your replys guys. I decided to do the same as Willerz has suggested. I am currently backing up 24gb worth of Applications which will take all night.

I know here was a bug in IOS4.3.3 where Apple made it so that you couldnt use the erase the ipad in the settings without it crashing. Is this still the same with the iPad 2? Im wondering whether to erase all content from my ipad or will it crash?

Does anyone know?

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