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Remotely acces MacMini and use Cloud for movies and music


I am considering of changing my laptop to iPad. I have made a list of things that I do with my device and looks like I am able to do all the stuff with iPad. Except downloading movies and music from other sources than iTunes Store.

I have thought about a solution, but I would like to get some advice. I am planning to buy a MacMini at home and remote access it with my iPad when I am traveling (I travel quite often). Then use MacMini remotely via iPad over Internet to download movies and music not from iTunes Store with MacMini. Then transfer them on MacMini to iTunes and use Cloud to stream or download the content to my iPad.

Is it possible that way?
If no, then what would be the alternative?
If yes, then is here somebody, who is using same solution?
If yes, then which kind of Apps/software I need and how to set up the Cloud?

I haven't tried exactly what you describe, but I know two apps that might work for you.

Splashtop 2 will show your Mini's screen on your iPad, and let you control the Mini remotely. The free version offers this over a local wifi network, and the paid version will let you do it from anywhere in the world over the Internet. The free app really works quite well. I haven't bought the Internet version.

Polkast will let you access your Mini's file system over the Internet, essentially turning the Mini into your private cloud server. You can upload and download between iPad and desktop. You can also stream movies and music from the Mini without downloading them first to the iPad. I have used it on the road, and it worked perfectly.

In both cases, you'll need to install the respective free server apps on the Mini, and leave it running while you're away. Set the sleep mode to wake upon network access. You won't need to use iCloud, Dropbox, or other cloud service, and you'll have complete control.

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