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16gb ipad users- how do you manage space

It depends on your usage. I don't store any music or video files on my ipad (because if never felt the need to). I use my mobile phone as music player and just stream videos.
Hi all,

I am, planning to get the ipad2. I am however, not sure which size to get. I will be playing a few games music probably 1-2gb. Movies is what is concerning me.

How do you owners of ipad and 1 and 2 16gb have expanded size. cloud service(dropbox).
Also, I am planning to get wi-fi only, i have an iphone 4 too. Now if i am travelling how can i remotely access videos on my computer through airvideo without 3g. Can I add personal hotspot to my iphone and get the wifi needed for my ipad to work when i am traveling or in the car.

Give me some ideas

I jail broke my iPad so that is something to consider in this discussion. Since you are going with the iPad 2, you might not be able to do what I do until a JB arrives for your iPad. I bought the cheapest model, but I am old and still quite amazed that my Laptop has some 500 gigs of space, so 16 gB is more space than I really need.

As an aside, I downloaded a three gig plus Adobe software package and it took me a few moments to remember that a 3 gig install package will take up only a small percentage of my available drive space. You kids are accustomed to large drives but I remember when 4 Mb of memory and a 40 Mb HDD was amazing in a laptop that only cost three grand or perhaps it was four grand.

I love Drop Box. When I am researching something, I can copy and paste the info to a document stored on Drop Box and access the data anywhere I want to. Lately, I have simply saved the info to files on a 2 GB SD card, however. I still use it for non-critical work documents.

Anyway, I store some work documents on MicroSD cards and access them from my iPad. At any one time, I'll have less than 1 mB of data so a 2-GB SD card is vastly more space than I need. I am reminded of swapping floppy disks so I feel that I am working old school.

I store music files on other MicroSD cards and a few on a Flash drive. I do not care about a cool interface or player; I simply use iFile to find the music files I want to play on the SD card. Vivaldi is currently playing as I type. I'll bet there is a player from Cydia that works a little better. the point is, it works well for me.

One thing to consider is the AirStash drive. You have essentially unlimited storage and it is wireless; it connects to your iPad using WiFi and the cool thing is, the router is built-in. The drive places an icon on your iPad so your files are available and it streams music well.

Luck To You
One hint: I found the space getting low and the space used by apps and music didn't seem right. I wiped and reloaded the iPad using iTunes and I gained over 4GB space. I've done this again recently with similar results. I noticed that when I delete songs, the free space doesn't always go up and when I update apps, the same thing sometimes happens.
Thanks, I went to the apple sore this morning at 9am when they open but apparently the lines had already formed since 4 and everything except verizon sold out.

Any idea when this supply issue will resolve.
I don't have any trouble with storage on my 16g WiFi. I keep most of my items on my iPhone 4 or my iMac. I just put a movie on my iPad 2 if I want to watch it instead of on the TV or iMac. I keep my audio books on iPhone 4 also as I plug it in and listen to podcasts and books in the car. As Zig Ziglar calls it Automobile University. I just don't try to load everything on my iPad 2. Have DropBox, so everything works fine for me.:D
Does movies on dropbox work on ipad. the other day i made a movie on imovies on my mac and saved it as .m4v. I cant seem to play it on my iphone3g.
I have so much space and nothing to do with it! I guess the popular alternative is Dropbox for extra stuff.

Btw, this is my 900th post! :)
I managed by returning my 16GB and getting a 64GB model. :) I don't know what I was thinking, get a 16GB one. Now both my iPad 1 and 2 have 64GBs. I'd buy one with more GBs if they were available.
Are the new shipments of ipad are free of light bleeding. Is this a new batch of production?

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