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Will 16GB be satisfactory?

I wasn't aware of this device. $99 without any memory seems kind of high to me but it is a nice gadget. I'm personally willing to wait to see when others jump into this market and the price is less expensive.

I agree, the price is a little high (apple users are used to that however)

A new firmware just came out for the airstash that makes it compatible with 64 gig cards.
Tbh, get the largest you can afford, best to have too much space than not enough

I agree with that 100%.

Regardless of all the other workarounds (cloud storage, airstash etc), it is still MUCH more convenient to have the storage actually built into your iPad.

I have 27 gigs used right now in my I2 and I just deleted some stuff to get down to that figure...... ;-)
I guess if you put everything on your iPad you'd need more than 16gb. I don't put music on my iPad. I use my phone's 32gb microSD card for that. When I travel I might throw a movie or two on it but I don't keep movies on it on a regular basis. Since I figured out how never pay for Netflix streaming anymore I usually just fire that up when I want to watch a movie. 16gb is more than enough in my own case.
It depends on what your going to use it for. I personally know I have a lot of music/movies/pictures so I got the 64GB model. When I had the first gen I got the 32GB and found after a while it wasnt enough.
The assumption seems to be that movies are the only storage hungry things out there. In my case, I have no movies on the iPad 2 but I do have about 2300 songs. And while a 32 gig model would be sufficient, a 16 gig would not. I'm at 17+ gigs with the songs and about 40 apps.

I don't trade in my devices every year or so, and for that reason decided to get a 64 gig iPad since there are no options for post-purchase upgrades.
When I got my iPad I wasn't sure how much memory I'd need... I 'split the difference' and got the 32 GB model... That turned out to be way too much, because after almost a year, I've only used about 4 Gigs... 16 GB would have done me just fine.

My iPad is mostly for mobile browsing and internet radio streaming in the car, so I don't bother much with movies and MP3 files..
I think you best bet is to get the 32 gb if you can afford it you can get by with the 16 gb but the 32 will have more room and have more of a resale value . And if you need the space the 100 more you pay will be well worth it you get one time to get it right .

from USA bucks county pa Sent from my iPad using iPF
I've got the 16gb one audit does me fine, photos don't take up much space, if I want to listen to music I just stream from itunes unless I am.visiting my parents I may put some on then delete it, but I can put music onto my HTC desire hd if I want to listen to music. I have apps on and few bigish games on but still.have over 10gb left.
Cloud computer storage is great as long as you can get to the cloud. There will be, however, times & places where you can't. So if you're totally dependent on cloud storage, you'll be SOL. :(

Good point.

The larger amounts of cloud storage are usually not free either.

I use DropBox occasionally, but the free accounts are only 2 gigs so you can't really store a whole lot there.

I've got 4 email accounts so I have 4 dropbox accounts. I've also been able to go thru their tutorial and follow the instructions to get another 250mb free in each one so I've got 9mb of dropbox storage plus my photobucket account for photos. I don't know what my limit is on that one but I've got a WHOLE LOT of photos on it .
I know not everyone has a smartphone but I hotspot from mine when there is no wifi even though I have a 3g Ipad because I can do it for free

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I've also subscribed to dropbox, need to upload some things to it, but I only intend to use the 2gb allowance on it. I may eventually buy the mobile me subscription.
I also have the 16g model, and im considering seriously to put it on sale, in order to get me a 64g model. My itunes library is huge, i have about 400 gigs of itunes media on my macbook pro, movies, tv shows, pics, music and tons of apps.. I had to get the music to AAC 128 kbps to fit on my 16 gigs,and only left me with 2 gigs free...barely can get a movie on here...and a few apps only.

Altough today its gonna be presented icloud ! Lets hope it helps to the 16 gigs users :D

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