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What size iPad did you buy? And how much space are you using?

Thanks everyone. Extremely helpful!

My final decision is the 32 based on the replies here. Price for me is an issue. I have 700 budget and I want to grab a couple of the accessories plus a case.

The biggest thing for me is that I will probably not store a lot on it on a daily basis other than music and apps. Only when traveling and such would I load it with movies and such.

I wish I could afford the 64 for future growth but sadly sometimes getting that 100 more is tougher than getting the 600. lol

Thanks again!
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I had to decide how much to push my wife's patience. It was either the 64GB or 3G, so I got 32GB & 3G.
I have 64 gig and have 30 something gigs free. But I'm sure it will be less than that when I sync more movies from my collection for my upcoming trip.
Airstash seems interesting. Says charge by usb port of computer. Can it be charged using usb power adaptor. Trying not to travel with pc only ipad.
I'm still waiting for the 3G to come out, but I expect that I will keep my music on my iTouch and maybe a book or 2, as It is pretty easy to pop out of its case on my belt or purse strap, for a quick read of a few pages. I think the iPad will be mostly for internet browsing and email and a movie or 2 when traveling. I must admit, I'm uncomfortable sticking my ear phones in on a driving trip with my husband. It's hard to visit and talk when I'm listening to a book or music. So I usually only do that when I'm driving alone or leaning back for a nap. If I was a kid, I think it would be easier to do, just to tune out of the interaction in the car. But then, maybe kids are better at audio multi-tasking than I am!:p
speaking of multi tasking I was reading an article about a study done on the supposeive efficiency of multi tasking among all age ranges. It turns out that regardless of age, humans were not designed to multitask. The group that focused on one thing at a time had almost 300% more efficiency than the group who tried manage several things at once. It showed when multitasking the ability to retain info, focus on the points that matter, filter the things that don't matter, and over all completion times were way down on the multitasking group. the conclusion was that if you have important things to do then do them one at a time to completion. Sorry off topic I am just bored and want my 3g!!!!!!
I have 64 gig and have 30 something gigs free. But I'm sure it will be less than that when I sync more movies from my collection for my upcoming trip.

What do you currently have that takes up the 34 gigs? Music, Videos? I am very interested in what it takes to fill up 30+ gigs.

I had to decide how much to push my wife's patience. It was either the 64GB or 3G, so I got 32GB & 3G.

I was originally going to go the 3g route as well, hence my delay in purchasing my iPad. But when I found out how easy it is to tether my 3g from my iPhone 3GS I decided to hold off and save the 100 + 30 a month.
I have 64 gig and have 30 something gigs free. But I'm sure it will be less than that when I sync more movies from my collection for my upcoming trip.

What do you currently have that takes up the 34 gigs? Music, Videos? I am very interested in what it takes to fill up 30+ gigs.


I currently have on the ipad

1200 songs, 4 full length movies and a selection of short ones, 6 tv episodes, 5 gigs of apps and 35 ibooks, plus pictures and a bunch of music videos.
I soon will have the 16GB 3G iPad. I won't be storing music, pictures, video or movies. I'll be fine with that 16 gigs.
I have 64 gig and have 30 something gigs free. But I'm sure it will be less than that when I sync more movies from my collection for my upcoming trip.

What do you currently have that takes up the 34 gigs? Music, Videos? I am very interested in what it takes to fill up 30+ gigs.


I currently have on the ipad

1200 songs, 4 full length movies and a selection of short ones, 6 tv episodes, 5 gigs of apps and 35 ibooks, plus pictures and a bunch of music videos.

Thanks very much for the reply! Appreciate it!
Rasputina said:
My 64 gig has 59 available with nothing synced on it.

That is normal formating and existing apps plus operating system take up the extra 5gb used
Same as say a 500 gb laptop. Only 450gb available about 10%

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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