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How Much Space Have You Used?

Vintage90 said:
Ha ha! It's not quite that easy.....I wish. I'm using golden vinyl from nch. Process is: set bottom sound levels for each lp (every one is different, and if you get it wrong, the tracks won't split) then burn a cd, then open iTunes and insert cd, then you HAVE to type in each track name, the album title and artist from the file info menu. iTunes and Gracenote won't find them on it's own. Then you get the the artwork.

I have over 4000 vinyl Lp titles, four in one session is enough before I start to go blind :)


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Oh, heck, just thinking about doing that again is tiring! So it'll be done by next year or the next or the next.........

from Somerset UK on my iPad using IPF app
Vintage90 said:
Wow! How on earth did you get so many apps? I tend to go to the app store for specific stuff, otherwise my iTunes bill will be huge. Like you say, no need for all the photos, that's why I only have a few high def. Images on mine. Next job is in progress, rip all my vinyl to cd, then into iTunes.....Man its a tedious job, but been putting it off for years!


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I converted my LP collection a few years ago. 380 LPs in eight months. Buying all those CDs would cost a small fortune!

Regards, Mick
miket5au said:
I converted my LP collection a few years ago. 380 LPs in eight months. Buying all those CDs would cost a small fortune!

Regards, Mick

Determination, I like that. You are an obvious music fan of course! I couldn't go without music!

from Somerset UK on my iPad using IPF app

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