Sounds like we are in the same boat all around!
If you want to kill the dock there are two options...
One, install "Ipod dock for Ipad" then go to the themes folder and edit the PNG files in there (that way you can tick off/on from winterboard)
Or you can edit the files directly.
you are looking at SBDockBGT-Landscape and Portrait.png
Also - if you want to blank out any lockscreen stuff (I took out the bar in the lockscreen as well - and blanked out everything but an arrow for the swipe)
those files are located in:
To work directly with these files look for iPhoneFixpng (I'd put a link but not sure if linking is allowed in this forum - and too lazy to read the terms at this point

) it's easy enough to google. That will allow you to view all the PNG files from the iphone so you know which ones to edit.
There is a default app from cydia called "Server Lock Example" - you may find that useful too... You can set a redirect on that to any webpage so you can have a dynamic locksreen! (so you edit the web page, and the lock screen is automatically updated)
You'll also want to enable 60 second lockscreen - to make sure everything has time to refresh/display before it blacks back out.
Killing SBsettings... You'll want to be sure to leave SSH on!!! (and I'm assuming you already changed your root/mobile passwords? )
go to Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries and Change sbsettings.dylib to sbsettings.dylib.disabled
then reboot... SBsettings will be disabled!

but all your settings will stay
then if you need to get in for anything - SSH in, remove .disabled - reboot - and edit away! ( left settings/cydia/winterboard/rock in the sbsettings dock - so I can quickly get to them when I re-enable)
For your status bar... I went the easy route and got Make it Mine from cydia/rock. Just enter a space then update carrier. you can also swap out the time with a string there too. I have our business name and phone number there so it will always show.
To make things more sleek there is an SBsettings status bar hide app- that will hide the status bar until the screen is touched. Looks really nice and clean that way.
... Still haven't found a way to kill spotlight... The device is looking AWESOME minus that feature
First time I've dove into the file system to edit files directly, and it's been a lot of fun