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REMOVE ICONS - without SBSettings - Video+ iPod


iPF Noob
I have a WIFI iPad, 16GB

I want to use it to showcase just images, and therefore would like to remove ALL other apps. SBSettings does a good job for this mostly, however as of now, it CANNOT remove the iPod and Video icons from the springboard.
It removes everything else.

via SSH, what files can I edit and where would they be to remove these icons from showing up on the SB?


- James
I've been searching for this as well!

You can delete the app by browsing to Private/Var/Stash/Applications.92VGgl/
and delete MobileMusicPlayer

Or you can also hide by going to
Private/Var/Mobile/Library/LibHide and add the following two lines to the hidden.plist file:


I couldn't find this anywhere - so I hope it's helpful to others!
Now to figure out how to get rid of spotlight!
iPod still around.. grrr

that got rid of the video player! but the iPod is still there when I try and add the text lines to hide it.

is the string correct?
does it work for you?

[UPDATE] to remove iPod, i just removed the .app from it and resprung and that worked

couple other things:
- do you know how to remove the Dock background?
- do you know how to edit the word iPad from the top left in the menu bar to be something else?

and if you find a way to disable spotlight post it too!

oh also,,, id love to find a way to hide icons from the SB and not have SBsettings at all. because sometimes it can be activated by accident.
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Sounds like we are in the same boat all around! :)

If you want to kill the dock there are two options...
One, install "Ipod dock for Ipad" then go to the themes folder and edit the PNG files in there (that way you can tick off/on from winterboard)

Or you can edit the files directly.
you are looking at SBDockBGT-Landscape and Portrait.png

Also - if you want to blank out any lockscreen stuff (I took out the bar in the lockscreen as well - and blanked out everything but an arrow for the swipe)
those files are located in:

To work directly with these files look for iPhoneFixpng (I'd put a link but not sure if linking is allowed in this forum - and too lazy to read the terms at this point :) ) it's easy enough to google. That will allow you to view all the PNG files from the iphone so you know which ones to edit.

There is a default app from cydia called "Server Lock Example" - you may find that useful too... You can set a redirect on that to any webpage so you can have a dynamic locksreen! (so you edit the web page, and the lock screen is automatically updated)
You'll also want to enable 60 second lockscreen - to make sure everything has time to refresh/display before it blacks back out.

Killing SBsettings... You'll want to be sure to leave SSH on!!! (and I'm assuming you already changed your root/mobile passwords? )
go to Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries and Change sbsettings.dylib to sbsettings.dylib.disabled
then reboot... SBsettings will be disabled! :) but all your settings will stay
then if you need to get in for anything - SSH in, remove .disabled - reboot - and edit away! ( left settings/cydia/winterboard/rock in the sbsettings dock - so I can quickly get to them when I re-enable)

For your status bar... I went the easy route and got Make it Mine from cydia/rock. Just enter a space then update carrier. you can also swap out the time with a string there too. I have our business name and phone number there so it will always show.

To make things more sleek there is an SBsettings status bar hide app- that will hide the status bar until the screen is touched. Looks really nice and clean that way.

... Still haven't found a way to kill spotlight... The device is looking AWESOME minus that feature :(
First time I've dove into the file system to edit files directly, and it's been a lot of fun :)
James - I totally see the locksreen html trick working for you...

Edit the HTML file to only be this:
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;URL=http://www.jameskachan.com/IPAD/">

Or something along those lines... Then use jquery.cycle (google that string) to cycle some of your photos... you'll have a slideshow lockscreen that you can update dynamically with your photo shoots! :)

Sorry - took the liberty to visit your site, looks nice! :)
wow all of you are brave to enter in file and code file with light knowledge … maybe is because the OS is well made
Ha :) ... there is always a restore! :)

But backup, edit, respring, cross fingers. It has been well worth it though!
Everything I've gone after I've been able to edit - just that darn spotlight!
wow all of you are brave to enter in file and code file with light knowledge … maybe is because the OS is well made

Was thinking the same...

Talk about an expensive digital picture frame...LOL
I believe they go for 20-30 bucks at your local Target or WalMart... :p

It is cool to know that you can go deleting stuff at will, and have the OS still run... :)
oh it's much more than a photo frame! I'm not sure what James goal with his project is, but we are using it for a menu/wine list.

So when you power on to the lockscreen I have our logo displayed, but have a call out to our webserver to a page where we can load text up. That text will be downloaded down to the device so we can customize the greeting throughout the day or week.

The UI has been stripped of everything and replaced with our custom colors and branding. Once you slide to unlock (which has been replaced with wine grapes) you are greeted again with our logo and a large icon on an (invisible) dock for our menu.

Clicking on that icon zooms into a full screen interactive web app of our menu.

Which we can update in a seconds notice to reflect any changes.

i'm really happy with the end result - and it's amazing how customizable it really is, despite apples lock down ways - they've built a device with a lot of potential. Just wish they would natively open up a few doors (maybe providing a means to turn off spotlight!)
Spotlight is the only native app I can't remove. Besides that the UI has been completely customized.
Just deployed it yesterday - so we'll see how it is received in the next few weeks.
Hi all,

Thanks for your tips to get rid of iPod and video. Works for me, but I have something else. I would like to show some icons: bookmarks to a website. Is there a way to disable removal of these icons by the public? You know, the shaking icons with the delete-cross.
If I'm understanding this right, then why not use something like iBlank , transparent dock and transparent status bar?
I've been searching for this as well!

You can delete the app by browsing to Private/Var/Stash/Applications.92VGgl/
and delete MobileMusicPlayer

Or you can also hide by going to
Private/Var/Mobile/Library/LibHide and add the following two lines to the hidden.plist file:


I couldn't find this anywhere - so I hope it's helpful to others!
Now to figure out how to get rid of spotlight!

the correct strings are

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