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Removing songs from iPod on iPad


iPF Noob
There are songs showing on the "About" screen in settings and the are in my iPod app. But I have syncing of songs disabled on iTunes on my laptop. What I did was either download songs from purchased items or I manually added them drag and drop style while connected to iTunes on my laptop. I have tried checking and unchecking "manually manage music" and then deleting each one individually on the iPad. They are still there. As I said above I am sure I have music syncing disabled in iTunes when iPad is connected. I am going crazy!!! No matter what I do there are still 132 playable songs on my iPod app on my iPad. I want to free up space and want to remove them but they just will not go away!

Any help? I tried a forum keyword search, I apologize if this has been asked and answered. Thanks.

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