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Repair iPad Pro or purchase 2018 New iPad?


iPF Noob

several weeks ago I tried to download and install Software update 11.3 to my iPad Pro 12.9 inch (first Generation iPad Pro) but I encountered several problems and was not able to update. I tried many times and received different error messages at a different stage of the process: error 14, then 4005, 4013, or 4014.

Several months ago I encountered the same errors during the previous Software update but then, somehow after many tries, I succeeded to update my device. This time since nothing could help so I brought my iPad to the Apple store from where I purchased the device.

They sent the device to the lab and after several days I received an answer: the memory has to be replaced and the cost of the repair is $350 and I get 3 months warranty on the repair. I almost agreed to repair the Pro but now I am thinking of another option.

After two years and a half of using my iPad Pro, I found that never really needed the so-called extra power of the Pro and I still prefer the handling of my old small 9.7 inches second-generation iPad. The price of a 9.7 inches New iPad 2018 is $550, so for $200 more than the price of the repair of my two and a half-year-old Pro I get a brand new iPad with which I can do all that I need. As far as I understand, the 2018 New iPad has a better processor than the iPad Pro first generation but on the other hand, has only 2GB RAM (4GB for iPad Pro)

Any recommendation? Would adding $200 for a 2018 New iPad instead of paying $350 for the repair of the Pro first generation, be a downgrade?
Thank you very much.

several weeks ago I tried to download and install Software update 11.3 to my iPad Pro 12.9 inch (first Generation iPad Pro) but I encountered several problems and was not able to update. I tried many times and received different error messages at a different stage of the process: error 14, then 4005, 4013, or 4014.

Several months ago I encountered the same errors during the previous Software update but then, somehow after many tries, I succeeded to update my device. This time since nothing could help so I brought my iPad to the Apple store from where I purchased the device.

They sent the device to the lab and after several days I received an answer: the memory has to be replaced and the cost of the repair is $350 and I get 3 months warranty on the repair. I almost agreed to repair the Pro but now I am thinking of another option.

After two years and a half of using my iPad Pro, I found that never really needed the so-called extra power of the Pro and I still prefer the handling of my old small 9.7 inches second-generation iPad. The price of a 9.7 inches New iPad 2018 is $550, so for $200 more than the price of the repair of my two and a half-year-old Pro I get a brand new iPad with which I can do all that I need. As far as I understand, the 2018 New iPad has a better processor than the iPad Pro first generation but on the other hand, has only 2GB RAM (4GB for iPad Pro)

Any recommendation? Would adding $200 for a 2018 New iPad instead of paying $350 for the repair of the Pro first generation, be a downgrade?
Thank you very much.

And I was considering getting an ipad pro for hubby. Guess I will think again on this.
I don’t think there’s anything particularly defective about the iPad Pro but, in your situation, I’d probably opt for the 2018 iPad and get the full year warranty. I’m using a three year old iPad Air 2 and haven’t found anything lacking.
I’d probably opt for the 2018 iPad and get the full year warranty.

Thanks, Wing rider,

the more I think about it, it seems that this the way to go for me. I am quite hesitant to pay $350 for the repair my relatively new device which seems to have some production's defect. The warranty on the repair is only 3 months and if such a problem appears again let's say, 4 months after the repair, then I am back to square one with no iPad and no warranty.

Not having the 12.9 inches laminated screen of my iPad Pro is not a deal breaker for me, so adding $200 for a 2018 New iPad with the option of an extended 2 years warranty seems the right option.

I don’t think there’s anything particularly defective about the iPad Pro
I agree with you. It was my bad luck to get what I believe, one of the few defective units in the line of production.
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That’s a hard decision but If the Ipad 2018 suits all of your needs, then I’d consider that. I just recommended that to a friend who does almost everything on her Mac and the Ipad is peripheral convenience for her.

I have the first gen Ipad Pro 12.9 which had only 128 GB at first and badly need more storage, I rarely use my Macbook Pro any more (except for accessing external drives) with IOS 11’s advances and newer apps that can fill most of the needs I used the Mac for (Affinity, RAW Power and Polarr for photography for example). I also keep my Ipad in split screen almost continuously so the 12.9 works better for me—but many prefer the smaller footprint of the smaller Ipads.

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