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Restore Computer From iPad


iPF Noob
Did something bad and now need help to get me out of trouble. Had my desktop (main) computer upgraded to Windows 7 OS to help speed up system and get rid of any viruses.
Problem is the shop did not back up any data files (they said they would do a backup), so I now have a blank iTunes on the computer and no way that I can figure out how to get all the data, apps and stuff back onto the computer.

Go to the Store menu in iTunes and authorize the computer.

Connect your iPad. When iTunes says it wants to erase your data, close the dialog (do not agree to anything).

In the right column under the Devices list right click on your iPad and choose Transfer Purchases. With a few exceptions, this will copy all your various iStore purchased content back to the iTunes library: iBooks, Music, Applications, etc.

For iTunes content that was on the computer only, visit the Purchased link on the iTunes Store home page (on the computer). You will see the various stores. Click on each one to see your previously purchased content. Click on the Not on This Computer button to the right to limit the list to items you may want to re-download.

For any content that was imported to iTunes rather than downloaded from the store you will have to find and import that content again.


There are third party apps that will export your iPad content back to the computer's iTunes library.If you have non-itunes content, it would probably be worth your time looking into this rather than my previous suggestions.

I'm not familiar with any of them, but MacMike recommended TouchCopy in this thread: http://www.ipadforums.net/new-membe...existing-ipad2-itunes-library.html#post582621

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