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Restoring 5.0.1


iPF Noob
Apr 26, 2012
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I got my iPad 2 couple of days ago and it's used one. I would like to "clean" it totally after the seller. What is the best way to do that? There is ios 5.0.1 it it and it's jailbreaked. I was thinking the restore option (I think that is the term for it?) to put a fresh ios 5.0.1 again and still having the jailbreak, but am I right it is not possible? I have the shsh blobs for couple of 4.x.x, 5.0.1 and 5.1. Removing the jailbreak is not an option.

I checked out the tutorial section, google, search etc, but I am still not sure about this. Any tips?

I got my iPad 2 couple of days ago and it's used one. I would like to "clean" it totally after the seller. What is the best way to do that? There is ios 5.0.1 it it and it's jailbreaked. I was thinking the restore option (I think that is the term for it?) to put a fresh ios 5.0.1 again and still having the jailbreak, but am I right it is not possible? I have the shsh blobs for couple of 4.x.x, 5.0.1 and 5.1. Removing the jailbreak is not an option.

I checked out the tutorial section, google, search etc, but I am still not sure about this. Any tips?

You cannot restore that iPad2 and keep the jail break. Restoring the iPad2 will mean that you will have to load iOS 5.1 on it, which is not jail breakable (yet) for the iPad2.

In addition, do not select anything in the Settings app such as "restore" or "reset"! At best, nothing will happen - at worst, you will give your iPad2 the "willies" and will have to restore to iOS 5.1.

Having the SHSH blobs makes no difference, for the iPad2, at this point. The members of the Jailbreaking community have not figured out how to use them ... yet.

So, your best bet is to just delete the stuff off it that you don't want or make the account changes to reflect yours.

Sorry, but for now, that's all you can do and preserve that jail break.

Big thanks for your quick reply and making things clear for me. :)
No problem!

Stick around here and enjoy the forum. We keep a pretty close eye on any updates and processes to do with jail breaking.

If I may be permitted to brag a bit: We're a pretty up-to-date site for news and topics concerning jailbreaking. So, have a browse in our Hacking section and see what interests you for YOUR iPad.

Again, welcome!

Already bookmarked :) And thanks!

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