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Restoring iPad from Beta version


iPF Noob
Hi there,

I bought an iPad second hand. The seller said he had installed a beta version of iOS.

Everything worked well until today. It had been on overnight and suddenly I couldn't access the menu. Instead I was in the configuration menu. Overnight update or something? I couldn't configure it because it said it could not connect to the server or something of the like.

Anyways, I called iPad support and they said they cannot help me because it is a Beta version.

I tried restoring it with iTunes but I got an unknown error (iPad cannot be restored, unknown error: 1604).

Now it just displays the iTunes symbol and the white cable. When connecting it to iTunes it says "iTunes has discovered an iPad in recovery mode. You have to recover this iPad before you can use it with iTunes". But if I try to recover it I get the unknown error above.

Could anyone please help me?

iOS (iOS Beta 5?)
iTunes (

Kind regards

I had a similar issue, I'm not sure what the error code was. I corrected it by updating iTunes to the latest version, and I unplugged all USB devices that were plugged into my computer. Once I had all the other devices, printers etc disconnected, I was able to restore without an error. Try disconnecting all USB devices except the iPad see if that helps.

Note: I was not running on a beta version.
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Thanks, Marie. I thought that too, but let it go as he purchased the iPad with the beta software installed.

Hopefully the post before yours will solve the OP's problem.


I appreciate if you could make an exception in this case. I am actually trying to remove the beta and I didn't install it myself, just like you're saying.

Unfortunately just removing all the other USB cables didn't solve the issue.

I have tried with iTunes 10.4 and 10.5 and I got the same error message.

The screen just shows the iTunes symbol and the white cable.

Please help, if at all possible.

Solved (after 6½ hours of testing - I'm not used to Apple products (and I think I prefer open source after all, but hey sometimes you may have to use Apple products so...))

- I downloaded iTunes 10.5 beta 6.
- There was only a 32-bit version so I had to put it on my second, spare laptop.
- I connected the iPad to iTunes and I removed all other USB cables from the laptop.
- I put the iPad in DFU mode (Google it)
- I restored the iPad

That's it!

Thanks anyway for trying to help or at least not kicking me out for having a beta. Man, if this had been an Android forum, the mere thought of someone doing that would have been absurd.

Android and open source forever!

But if you find yourself having to use an Apple product, don't give up, there might be a solution after all, you just may have to pay Apple to find it.
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