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Returned New iPad wifi 64 gig for iPad 2 -New iPad was too hot and too heavy!

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I've already used my new iPad on a sailboat off the coast of Florida in heat and humidity this past weekend with no major heat issues that I've noticed.
High end games would heat up any computer.
As far as weight I just don't get that one. That OP must be joking around.
I've come to the conclusion that new iPad heat threads are a part of daily life.... That said think of this:

Put your hand under a laptop that is running a game for a few minutes.. See how hot it gets, and that's with a fan.
Now put your hand behind most flat screen tvs after being on for a few minutes.. Kinda warm.
Finally put your hand behind a running xbox360 and see how warm that gets.

A little warm for a machine that puts out the graphics that awe everyone (air supremacy/real racing hd2) is not half bad in my book. I admit, I was a little disappointed In the weight. I believe the 1.8oz is more than on paper based on distribution (I believe more weight is in that bottom left corner) is what's causing it to feel that much worse. But again, it's a super powerful toy, and I'm not complaining.....
I use a Cintiq 21" at home and at work and need to rest my drawing hand on them constantly. I also have a 60" plasma at home.
Those can get HOT.

My IPad 3 does not. It gets warm at best.

The only time I even notice the heat is if I'm working on it and have it charging at the same time. So I can understand some minor complaints in that kind of instance.

I don't get the too heavy issue though.
Granted this is my first IPad, but the androids I've used and my netbook are heavier than this thing is.
I've got both the 64 GB versions of the iPad 2 and 3. Both with the SIM cards. I cannot tell any difference in weight or operating temps.

I think some people are too sensitive.
I see all these people saying "oh, I have no heat problem on my new iPad", but seriously, I don't believe there are ANY people out there who don't have the lower left corner of the unit getting fairly warm if they run an intensive app like Infinity Blade II. So these people are either: (a) lying, or (b) have the unit in a case and never feel it.

Because if there are people for whom the unit doesn't get warm, then basically every single person who has a unit that does should return theirs because it's definitely defective.
I have an ipad 1 and an ipad 3

As far as I can tell holding them in each hand they weigh the same, and the new one is not remotely hot either.

In other words people are freaking out over nothing

When my iPad 1 came out, 300 people reported that the wifi on it did not work. Funnily enough when people started buying the ipad no one found any problem with the wifi at all. What's the chance these 300 people worked for microsoft or android?
I feel in around six Months we will have a much better idea and better though's, about the new iPad and how well excepted it has become.
ElderDruid said:
I see all these people saying "oh, I have no heat problem on my new iPad", but seriously, I don't believe there are ANY people out there who don't have the lower left corner of the unit getting fairly warm if they run an intensive app like Infinity Blade II. So these people are either: (a) lying, or (b) have the unit in a case and never feel it.

Because if there are people for whom the unit doesn't get warm, then basically every single person who has a unit that does should return theirs because it's definitely defective.

I can feel my unit get warm. However, I don't see this as a problem.
heat issues will only lead to the chipset burning up faster or having a shorter lifespan. Prolonged extreme heat will only hurt the device in the long run. then imagine the temps of ipads owned by people in the south were it gets scorching hot and humidity very high.
heat issues will only lead to the chipset burning up faster or having a shorter lifespan. Prolonged extreme heat will only hurt the device in the long run. then imagine the temps of ipads owned by people in the south were it gets scorching hot and humidity very high.

Yes, with the amount of heat we are talking about it may cut the life of the chips from 11 years to only 10 years :p
Obviously this is a huge issue to some people that have not thought about it.
I have both, an iPad 2 and an iPad 3 and the weight difference is somewhat noticeable. It is no deal breaker for me though. The screen as well as other improvements make the iPad 3 a winner.
Tom811 said:
I have both, an iPad 2 and an iPad 3 and the weight difference is somewhat noticeable. It is no deal breaker for me though. The screen as well as other improvements make the iPad 3 a winner.

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