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Review: Apple iPad 2 - More like 1.5

I personally can't agree. I use both devices side-by-side and the iPad is at least twice as good at things that matter to me: speed and gaming. Infinity blade is simply stunning on the iPad 2, and taking notes, studying PDF and web browsing is easily twice as fast.
NumbLock said:
I personally can't agree. I use both devices side-by-side and the iPad is at least twice as good at things that matter to me: speed and gaming. Infinity blade is simply stunning on the iPad 2, and taking notes, studying PDF and web browsing is easily twice as fast.

I have all apple portables, had a Mac mini and got rid of it, we have I should say iPads and ipad2s side by side, the iPad 2 is certainly my favorite portable device, I know it sounds crazy but i use the video camera allot at parks with the kids to make quick uploads for their grandparents to see,

I'm sure some stunning tablets are around the corner but apple already pre ordered all the best parts used to ensemble this tablet out there so unless they come up with a factory to make nicer digital photo devices with touch screen functions I can not imagine anything coming close to a ipad2 in the next year or year and a half.

Look out for a nano with camera soon

Sent from my iPad2 64GB wifi 3G using iPF

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