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Ripping DVDs and watching on IPAD 2


iPF Noob

I have a few DVDs I have purchased legally from stores, and would like to be able to put one or two of them onto my IPAD 2 to watch whilst I am away on holiday.

It appears to be a mine field out there of what software is best, what to buy, what now to buy, what converts what type of files etc. Some are expensive, some are cheap and some are even free.

As a newbie to IPAD2, what works best ( user friendly) and doesn't break the bank ?


Thanks for this.

I assume that by downloading Handbrake onto my PC that this is the only software I need to do the job? It will convert an existing DVD into a format viewable on IPAD2, I then ou this into ITunes and sync? Voila !

I don't think it will strip the DRM from copy protected DVD's but someone more knowledgable than me will hopefully be able to advise.

The Archangel
Never had any luck with Handbrake and found it slow and flaky. I know its popular but it didn't work for me.
I use a product from DVD Fab because I had it anyway.

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