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Safari - find on page function

Lol. I didn't even notice that. :)

Learn something new everyday. ;)

Sent from my iPad 2 using iPF
I don't get it. Safari does have a page search, so why not just use the search box in the top right corner?

That's only a web search engine. It won't search for particular words or phrases on the current page (find on page function.)

The OP link is still a valid way to search on a page using Safari and is very helpful.
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But, in the search box, if you look at the bottom of it, it has a separate line titled "On This Page (x matches)," with a second line that starts with "Find 'x'". If you type something in the search box, then press on the "Find" line, it will do a search in that web page.

The scripts are great ... but they were more in use before 4.2.1, when Safari got updated to have this Find feature included.

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But, in the search box, if you look at the bottom of it, it has a separate line titled "On This Page (x matches)," with a second line that starts with "Find 'x'". If you type something in the search box, then press on the "Find" line, it will do a search in that web page.

The scripts are great ... but they were more in use before 4.2.1, when Safari got updated to have this Find feature included.


There's no such thing on my version of Safari on my iPad with Google as the default search engine. Is it a preference setting for Safari? Or a different search engine preference? I've never seen this option. It's not resident on my wife's iPad2 either.
On my iPad with Google as default search, I only see the "On This Page" section when it makes sense. It's contextual. Go to a page you normally visit, and then type in a single word in your search field. Look for a heading near the bottom that says "On This Page" but only after you're viewing a page.

For example, try hitting CNN.com, then type 'sheen' in the search box. You'll see the "On This Page" choice appear...
On my iPad with Google as default search, I only see the "On This Page" section when it makes sense. It's contextual. Go to a page you normally visit, and then type in a single word in your search field. Look for a heading near the bottom that says "On This Page" but only after you're viewing a page.

For example, try hitting CNN.com, then type 'sheen' in the search box. You'll see the "On This Page" choice appear...

Thank you for the clear and concise explanation. That works exactly as you've described it. Funny that I never saw it before but then again I've never used the "find on page function" because I didn't know it was available that way. Just proves that you can learn something new about the iPad almost every day. Thanks for clearing this up for me.

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