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Safari security question


iPF Noob
Can somebody gain access and control of the iPad insight camera?
Can safari initiate Remote Desktop from an iPad?
Can somebody hack into my iPad mini and gain access to my contacts? Or my browsing history?
All apps, even Safari require your permission to access the Camera. In Safari’s case, the website itself has to initiate a request for camera access. It can not be hidden by some tricky web popup. It has to go through the iOS notification’s, so the request will be quite clear.

Check your Privacy setting to see what apps have what permissions.

To the best of my knowledge apples’ own remote desktop software does not work between MacOS and iOS. However, there are many third party remote desktop apps. They have to be installed on both the computer and iPad. You have to set up the permissions and access. Security varies, but the better known ones are state of the art secure. Do your research. I’m currently using Splashtop to remotely access my Windows laptop on the rare occations I need remote access.

At this time there are no known viruses or other exploits in the wild that will allow remote hacking of up-to-date iOS devices. That could change at any time. This is true of all computers and devices that have internet access. Apple is better than most at security, so I’m not overly worried.

Now, it is possible for you to open the door, but buying questionale apps and giving them access to your contacts. Apple does a pretty good job of policeing the App Store, but it’s not perfect. Do a little research. Consider the developer and their app description. If they are offereing to-good-to-be true services for free, look harder before installing.

It is also possible to find sources that will install apps for you outside the App Store. Almost all of these are a scam of some type. Stealing your data is probasbly the least offensive thing they’re up too. Extreme caution is advised. There was a jailbreak community, and one or two fairly trustworthy app stores. They are all but dead.

There is no absolute security. Apple offeres pretty good security, better than most.
Thank you kindly for your advice twerppoet.
Can safari on the iPad initiate a Remote Desktop situation where someone else can gain access to the iPad. In other words can safari compromise itself to allow outside access ? I ask bec I received an email from a "Blackmailer" saying something to this effect and he had my email address with the password as his proof.
Here is what the "blackmailer" said in the email :

While you were viewing videos, your internet browser initiated functioning as a Remote Desktop that has a keylogger which gave me accessibility to your screen and also web cam.

Can this be true?
Seems unlikely.

If he has your password, then it was probably obtained by some phishing scam, or breakling some other service that you use that password and email with. I would report this to Apple. Also, if you have not done so, change your password. Do not go to any links in the email or provide any information to that person.

I don’t know what videos you were watching, but if they were from a legitimate site then he’s bluffing. If they were from a site that reqluired you to install questionable software, or that you provided information too, or said yes to questionable permissions; I don’t know. It is possible to break almost any computer’s software if you follow instructions from a site that askes you to install stuff and give access permissions. Not easy on an iPad, but not impossible.
>> he had my email address with the password as his proof.

Your email address is probably easy to get hold of, but do you use the same password elsewhere?

There are so many scams going on. (The elderly mother of a friend was worried recently as she had a phone call telling her that her broadband was about to be disconnected. Needless to say the mother does not have any internet connection, let alone broadband!)

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