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Santander in UK Lets Customers Register for Apple Pay


iPadForums News Team
Apple Pay in use at Santander.webp

Following on from Radu’s story earlier today, MacRumors has more news about the forthcoming launch of Apple Pay in the UK, despite the fact that Apple has not yet made an official announcement about the launch date.

According to various MacRumors forum members, those with bank accounts with Santander in the UK have found that they can now add their bank cards to Passbook ready to use with Apple Pay.

Those users who take the opportunity to register their Santander cards have also received confirmation emails from the bank that tell them they can now use Apple Pay.

In an update to the story, MacRumors reports that a Santander customer has said that he was able to use Apple Pay to make a purchase at McDonald’s in the UK, so it seems that even though the system is not officially supposed to be up and running yet, it most certainly is working for some people.

Source: http://www.macrumors.com/2015/07/07/banks-gearing-up-for-uk-apple-pay-launch/
First, Santander UK should fix their on-line banking website.
Recently I moved from another UK bank to Santander and now, I am very sorry I did it. It is the most akward banking site I have ever known. ... And I know canadian, american and european bank websites. Nothing comes close to Santander UK in clumsiness. Absolutely horrible !
That's interesting Ovidiu, I've been with Santander for quite a while (since ditching Lloyds), and I find the on-line banking site quite easy.
Probably Lloyds was even worse. I don't know them.
I came from Barclays and the online banking was far more easier than Santander's . I left because Barclays are really arrogant. Bad personal experience.
The best personal online banking experience, by far, was with TDCanada Trust. Been with them for many years. Unfortunately, I don't have them here in UK. :((

Santander is really bad. The word that comes to mind when thinking of their online site is " cluttered".

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