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Saving PDFs to your IPad

there are a few ways to do it
if its just one pdf then email it to an email address thats configured in your ipads mail account, then just click it and itll open in preview, you can then save to ibooks

you can also drag all your pdfs in to itunes and then go to your ipad in the devices menu on the left then ebooks and can choose to sync all or select the ones to sync and then hit the sync button

a third option is dropbox :)
I've downloaded iBooks and the PDF you want can be opened in iBooks and it adds them to a bookshelf, I have statements sent to me and it put them all in a neat row so you can find them. Hope this helps
Lois Buderus said:
I would like to save a few PDFs to my IPad. Is there a special way of doing it, if it is even possible?

All of these options are good. Another option is to get the app GoodReader. It costs $5 but is well worth it.
I advise you to get GoodReader and send your PDFs to it. When you do a backup, your PDFs will be backed up and when you restore GoodReader will bring back all of your stuff. iBooks won't, it will only let you redownload books you bought off iTunes And your PDFs will be missing in action.
Hay, When the PDF is open, click on the “Open in iBooks” button in the upper right corner, In this way you can open a PDF with iBooks, it stores a copy in your iBooks library for accessing later, Now you can access that PDF from iBooks anytime. This works on any iPad, iPhone or iPod touch running the iBooks application.

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