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SBSettings or some other program that does the same thing?


iPF Novice

I have been sitting on iOS 6 instead of upgrading because I really like SBSettings. It's an addiction. I use it to toggle wifi, VPN, kill background programs and turn off SSH. That's about it. Most of the time it is to kill the background programs.

I searched through this forum for something that would let me in on the secret. I couldn't find it. So, I ask. It sheer something that I can use with iOS 7, or should I stay with 6?

I keep checking in Cydia to see if there is an update for SBSettings in iOS 7. I read something s few days ago about an app or tweak that gives you the same wonderfulness that I get from SBSettings. For the life of me I can't recall what the article said, nor can I find it on the web.

Some of the time I feel I'm at the end of my rope. I was told, a long time ago, to tie a knot, and while I'm hanging there... Swing! Instead I decide to ask if there is a good alternative to SBSettings.
CCSettings with an SSH toggle flipswitch does the same thing. CCSettings adds on other toggles such as Respring, Toggling Vibrate/Ringer, Data toggle and a bunch of other things as well, plus it's free. The SSH toggle is also free as well.
Hi Fid,
Can confirm that CCSettings is perfect for the toggles. It even lets you modify the order in which you want the toggles to show. SwitchSpring tweak is also great as it allows you to shut all apps in one swipe, or restart and respring too.
I have used both on the iPhone4 with iOS7.04 and it works just fine.
Just saw that you have an iPad1. Does iOS 7 load on iPad 1? I though it was only compatible with iPad2 onwards.
Just a thought, unless of course you have a later model iPad :o
Hi Fid,
Can confirm that CCSettings is perfect for the toggles. It even lets you modify the order in which you want the toggles to show. SwitchSpring tweak is also great as it allows you to shut all apps in one swipe, or restart and respring too.
I have used both on the iPhone4 with iOS7.04 and it works just fine.
Just saw that you have an iPad1. Does iOS 7 load on iPad 1? I though it was only compatible with iPad2 onwards.
Just a thought, unless of course you have a later model iPad :o

Thanks. I am using a newer iPad. iPad 4. Since I only use the app I don't get to see the tag line.
I am getting ready to do the update right now. I hope the file is really 837,068 KB.
Ok, I have to go into town to download the file again. I only got 837 megs of the 1.3 gig file.
I'll have to do that tomorrow.

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