I have the same exact problem as the OP.
I'm on 4.3.3 and I don't have multicleaner installed. I've been going through a few apps that alter the springboard, but so far, zilch.
Here's the list of apps I'm currently running (and uninstalling):
[*]Airplane SBSettings
[*]Color Mail Labels
[*]Comfortaa Font
[*]External iPod Controls
[*]FullScreen for iPad
[*]Home Page in Safari
[*]iStar Signal Bars (theme)
[*]Josefin Sans Std Font
[*]Music Controls Pro
[*]pSuave SBSettings (theme)
[*]Pull to Refresh for Mail
[*]Pull to Refresh Safari
[*]Remove Background + SBSettings toggle
[*]Remove Recents
[*]Reset Safari for SBSettings
[*]Retina Pad
[*]Rotation Inhibitor
[*]Running Indicator
[*]SBSettings + toggle
[*]SplitMail for iPad
[*]WeekinCal by Swirly
Any ideas?