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Scrolling Issue


iPF Noob
Using Safari and Google browsers on my iPad2, on the Lexis website, and a few others I've come across, where the page content continues unseen "below" the bottom of the webpage, or, in another instance, where I'm given a drop down field, where if I was on a desktop or laptop, I'd hover the mouse pointer over and click the field would open up (case in point, where your given state name abbreviations to select a state) the whole field to select some option, my iPad will neither let me "page down" or select a field item. I can't figure out whether this issue is on more one of the page itself or the iPad. Clearly, this seems to be associated with whatever browser I use on the iPad, and clearly there must be many webpages like the ones I've described where if you go there on the iPad your just stuck on the landing page and cannot move around the site unless you click through on some link on that landing page. Can anyone offer some insight to this issue? Mike Murphy
When I get one of these extended drop down lists, I can 'flick' the list up-and-down to go to the area of the list that I need to. I've never experienced a site where I can't do this.


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