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Setting iPad to work for low vision readers


iPF Noob
Hello all,

I am legally blind, and can't quite read the kindle-for-ipad text when it is set to its largest font size. In order to make the text large enough for me, I have to additionally zoom the ipad screen by double tapping with three fingers. However, this means that some of the kindle text expands out of sight, forcing me to scroll the page left and right and up and down just to read all the text on one page, which isn't desirable. So what I'm wondering is if any of you know whether or not the kindle-for-ipad app can be set so that it doesn't open into full screen mode but rather only takes up some of the ipad screen when opened, as it does for instance when opening Kindle-for-PC on a PC. That way, you see, the text in the kindle app will only occupy a small area of the ipad screen, meaning that when I zoom the screen, the kindle text won't immediately expand beyond the frame of the ipad; it will all be visible (unless I keep zooming), thereby allowing me to see an entire page of text in one view without having to scroll, at a font size I can now read.

Interestingly, the ibooks app on ipads allows me to enlarge font to a greater size than in the Kindle app, to the point where I don't need to zoom the screen in order to get the text large enough. However, I am unable to purchase any of the ibooks titles in my country (I can only download the free titles). Rather frustrating.

Optionally, if I am unable to open the kindle app in a semi-minimized mode, does anyone know how significantly I am able to increase the margin size on a kindle page? If the increase is significant enough, it may reduce the area of text on a page to a degree where I can zoom the screen without causing the text to expand passed the ipad frame, thus eliminating the need to scroll.

I haven't purchased an ipad yet; I've only been able to sample one at a store. But it's awkward doing that, which is why I've resorted to asking questions in here. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated, even suggestions as to other ways I can enlarge text beyond the highest setting (ways I haven't thought of). I hope I have expressed my dilemma clearly.
I've copied your post and sent it to kindle, but I guess what they really want is you to buy the kindle itself?
Oh, thanks. I've checked out the Kindle DX online, which is the large-screen Kindle, but the font still doesn't go as big as I need it. I need it so big that only about 10 to 15 words end up on the screen. Strange that the ibook app on iPads allows me to get the font big enough, but no other ebook apps it appears. And I can't get ibook titles in NZ. Thanks again though.
Thinking about it, all they need to do is add a autowrap function, so as you zoom in the text automatically wraps itself around the screen.

Have had a good search, nothing, so I think the Kindle itself is a better bet, has a basic browser as well
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Try setting the margins to the maximum size. This will give you just a little more Zoom before you're forced to three finger scroll left and right. You'll still have to three finger scroll up/down, but that shouldn't be quite as annoying.

It's the option under the Sepia button.


If you also choose the two column/page view (landscape orientation) you can achieve similar sizes to the iBooks app, though you'll have to scroll to each column besides up and down.

That's all I can think of, other than really strong reading glasses.
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To customise your reading experience, Kindle for iPad allows you to change the size and colour of the reading font, and control screen brightness. Kindle for iOS (app version 3.3 and higher) also includes the following new font types: Baskerville, Georgia, Helvetica and Palatino.

On iPad, you can also choose from three margin layouts. Adjustable margins are only available on iPad.

To personalise your reading options, please follow these steps:

1. When a book is open, tap the centre of your screen to activate the tool bar and reveal additional options.

2. Tap the "Aa" icon on the tool bar.

You can adjust screen brightness by moving the brightness slider left or right. You can also choose adjust font size and change text colour in the Aa menu. On iPad, the adjust margin feature is also accessible from the Aa menu.

After you select the colour of the text, the colour of the background will change automatically.

Note: font, margin and highlighting features are not available for PDF documents.

For more information on using Kindle for iDevice, please visit:

Amazon.co.uk Help: Using Kindle for iPad/iPhone

I hope this helps. We look forward to seeing you again soon.
Reply from the Kindle business team no less!

Doesn't mean much to me, but at a guess it looks like standard cut and paste response :(

I've just replied to their message telling them that isn't good enough, they need to add an extra large font, alsomtold them that this is a niche market that not even Apple have their fingers in, so maybe that will get the dollars in their eyes and actually update the kindle firmware with extra large text :)
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Just a note to thank all who helped out with my ebook reader dilemma. Much appreciated.

I have resorted to an entirely different approach, however. What I've done is turn a laptop into an ebook reader of sorts for the visually impaired. The Kindle app is able to be opened semi-minimized on a laptop, and also allows you to drag the frame of the app in a bit. This leaves a lot of free screen space outside the app, which means I can magnify the entire app (and thus the text) to a size I can read without forcing the text off the sides of the laptop screen, thereby eliminating the need to scroll in order to read. I just use a magnifying program set on full screen at 3x magnification, instead of using a zoom feature the likes of which come with tablet devices. I still need the screen to be quite close to my eyes though, as in twenty centimeters away, so what I've done is place a little ledge on the wall above my pillow on the bed for the top of the laptop screen to rest on upside-down, leaving the bottom edge of the keyboard resting on my lower chest as I recline on the bed. This positions the screen above my face about twenty centimeters away, and I just hit the arrow key to turn pages on the Kindle. I've just read "In The Tall Grass" by King and his son Joe Hill. Haha.

I should get a photo taken of me reading this way, and place an ultra blurry message on it that can't quite be read, and send it to certain designers of ebook readers. They'll be like: "Oh my God, what the hell's happening to that guy there, what's he doing? And what the hell does that message say?"

They'll spend hours and hours researching ways to understand blurry text. Then I'll send the same pic to them but with the text clear now: "Add Extra Font Sizes To Your Ebook Apps For The Visually Impaired, Douch!" :)
Thanks for the update.

I'm sorry we didn't come up with a better solution for you, but glad you did find something that works. I'd hate to be without my books. Audio books, while ok, really are not an adequate substitute.

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