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Having trouble finding value in my iPad -- about to return...

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Watching videos, reading books, and occasionally doing simple internet related things like checking email on a really thin device with a battery that lasts forever sells it for me. All the apps, games, etc come handy after the fact and just add to the appeal.

My iPad is almost constantly around. While I'm playing Dragon Age on the computer, if I have a question about a spell, I go to the iPad sitting next to me. If I'm watching a movie and recognize an actor but can't remember where I've seen him or her before, I pick up the iPad and check IMDb. If I need to look something up on Wiki I use the iPad if I'm not at my desk. If I'm bored at a doc's appointment, or sitting in a waiting room of any kind, I use the iPad to watch a movie or play a game or anything. If I'm traveling I use the video player almost non-stop. If my wife is home we might do a crossword together or play a game of scrabble in bed before we go to sleep. If I have to take a crap, I take the iPad with me in the morning and read the news via my RSS feed app.

That's the value I place in it.

That a perfect review. That right there is what makes the iPad so great that it's always there to be at your assistance no long boot just direct connection.

And one thing about flash i have it on my nexus one its fun but you it's not a make a break people just complain cause they cant have it. It's cool but again apps make the iPad. Simple as that

Return it my friend and i bet you'll miss it!
Interesting to Me... I actually agree.

I've had my Evo since release day and for now, I don't even really bother with my iPad. I move around quite a bit and I like what I get from my Evo. It's no iPad of course. Not even suggesting that it is. There are just times when I don't keep my iPad with me. I like technology. Sounds like this guy may just be a casual user. Not everyone is a techgeek.

I honestly think based on his post, he has no use for the iPad. I agree with him on being hesitant to buy half of the things I would like to try from the app store because in the ratings half of the people love it and half of the people hate it. Not buying anything that can't be returned if it doesn't function as advertised. Guess that's just an Android thing. Just returned from Vegas for 10 days and loved having my iPad while in the room and on the airplane. Sometimes it's just easier to pull out the Evo.
Don't understand why this person should be flamed for posing this question although I REALLY love my own iPad. The iPad experience would be even better if the iPad was Flash-compatible and had the ability to run MS Office and save files on the device. I use my iPad mostly as a replacement for my MBP laptop on a daily basis (casual user- email, web browsing, shopping online) but it would not be a viable replacement for a laptop, even for me, at this point.. I know there are many using it as an e-reader or for movie-watching but I generally like reading hard copies and watching movies on a larger screen. The iPad is very mobile and carry-friendly which works for me as a mom/chauffeur and when we travel away from home.

I don't own an iPod Touch or iPhone or Droid phone. I have a crummy BB Storm 2 which has an extremely slow browser (why bother browsing with it?). I have wondered whether I would enjoy the iPad as much for my primary purpose (mobile web browsing) if I had one of the better Smartphones or the iPod Touch.

The iPad is definitely an extravagance. I received it from my husband as a belated gift for my April birthday. Do I love it? Definite yes. Would it be worth it if I owned an Evo and the expense was an issue? I can't answer that for someone else but I can understand why he might ask the question. Don't understand why his question would be a threat to anyone else who loves the iPad.
An article in MacWorld was about Adobe slamming Apple for having an outdated version of Flash installed. It appears that the release of 10.6.4 had Flash instead of Anything with that many updates required is not a good platform.
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I agree with Steve Jobs that Flash is problematic. However, at this point in time, much web video is Flash- based and the lack of Flash-compatibility limits my iPad' functionality. Haven't you come across something unavailable to you because of Flash when browsing on your iPad?:)
I understand/agree with your point re: Office. Just saying it doesn't replace a laptop at this point which is a direction I'd like to see iPad go in the future, especially at this price point. I paid close to a grand for my 3G 64 with tax and Apple Care!
I agree with Steve Jobs that Flash is problematic. However, at this point in time, much web video is Flash- based and the lack of Flash-compatibility limits my iPad' functionality. Haven't you come across something unavailable to you because of Flash when browsing on your iPad?:)
Even youtube is beta testing HTML5 content instead. The way of the future is HTML5 and most websites that don't realize that are foolish.

I understand/agree with your point re: Office. Just saying it doesn't replace a laptop at this point which is a direction I'd like to see iPad go in the future, especially at this price point. I paid close to a grand for my 3G 64 with tax and Apple Care!
I disagree 100000000%. The biggest problem with critics and consumers of the iPad alike is that they think it is supposed to replace a laptop.


The sooner people realize that, the happier they will be. It will NEVER be meant to replace a laptop. If you want a laptop, buy a Mac Book.

Almost every single criticism of the iPad stems from the fact that people do not realize it is not meant to replace a laptop. At all. For some people it DOES replace a laptop but that is only because they are not using their laptop to its potential, so it's easy to replace...like I was.

But for someone that is truly in need of a laptop, the iPad will NEVER NEVER NEVER replace it. It would be completely and utterly retarded for Apple to make a product meant to replace a laptop, because they would be competing with their own products.

But as Apple CEO Steve Jobs explained at the iPad unveiling this in January, this new gadget isn't meant to replace anything you already own. Instead, it's a new category, nestled somewhere between a smartphone and a laptop in its features, size and price.

Just for the record, this is the first Apple device aside from my beat up iPod Nano that I use at the gym that I actually like. I am a strictly PC only owner, it's not like I am an Apple fan boy. But those that are disappointed or think it should replace a laptop simply did not do enough research before their purchase.
As a casual user, I would like to see it have the capability to replace my laptop for casual use. Sorry if that's not exactly what you want. To each his own. FYI, I'm on my third MacBook Pro. Relax, please.;)
I agree with Matth3w, people need to realize what it was made for and they will be happier with it can do. If you expect/want it to do more then you will never be happy with it.
I'm relaxed, I'm just saying that having it replace a laptop is not it's intention. That's like buying a bike and expecting to hop on the freeway...sure you can do it, but wouldn't a car be much more suitable for that use?

And the point that I am trying to make relevant to this thread is, most of the complaints about the iPad stem from the fact that people don't realize that.
like a lot of people here have beening saying it something inbetween the laptop and and smart phone and yes it allows me to check my email on the fly with a local hotspot Wifi set up along with me keep a check on diff things i have in the diff application on the Ipad ..
Sounds like all you need is your Evo. It's a wonder you didn't realize that before buying the iPad.

To be fair the Evo has only been out a few days... The iPad a bit longer.

Can't say i'd use my Evo for movies, tv shows, books, or DVDs, so there's that.

For me the $300.00 delta is the net-book that I don't use any more.
II work in the tech field so I'm surrounded by computers. Desktop, Laptop, Tablet, Netbook, iPad, and Evo, Droid, Storm. I have an iPad just because. It's best when travelling or couch surfing. Is it worth close to $1,000 dollars for that purpose... Probably not. But that's what I use it for. Because I work in the tech field I like options. The option to use flash would be nice. It's their product so there's no gripe from me. I don't play flash based games and to me that's what it's really about. If they support flash, there's a gazillion games that could be played without going through the App store. Sure they don't want that. Either way, I like choice. I chose to buy it. I think the individual that started the thread asked a great question. I don't think it's worth the money but I like new things so I bought it.
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