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Seagate satelite

Shanklysbest said:
you have to use iTunes to upload films into avplayer

You dont have to use iTunes to upload movies you can use the wifi transfer. I believe it works through the web browser.
Sincity said:
So, technically, Apple could make changes to the OS and allow uploads of docs if they wanted to, right?

Upload to where? There is no central repository for documents and general files, only photos/video as recorded from the cameras. Sandboxing limits file movement, but Apple have provided alternate ways of getting files directly to the apps in question via wifi upload and iTunes transfer.
The seriously need such a device to also upload docs and videos.

I use an AirStash+ to get unlimited storage on my IOS devices.... even the unjailbroken iPad "3"...... just swap out SD cards for more storage.
You can even copy pictures from SD card to iPad and to a new blank SD card in field! I backed up camera cards while on cruise without computer! Going to Tanzania on Safari and wanted a simple picture backup solution without electricity & internet!
I just found out about the Airstash after I replied. Pricey, but looks like what I want. Compact and unlimited storage.
I just found out about the Airstash after I replied. Pricey, but looks like what I want. Compact and unlimited storage.
Airstash is great for making copies of SD camera cards in the field! I plan on using my on Safari in Tanzania with a USB charger that uses AA batteries!

I love mine and don"t know what I did without it!
For copying stuff from camera cards I just use the Apple Camera connection kit. airstash is way overkill if that's your use case. But if you want to use sd cards for storing other stuff, then it makes sense. I went the goflex satellite route for bulk media storage. But where I occasionally get stuck is dealing with USB sticks. I am often in training seminars and the courseware invariably gets passed around on a USB stick. If I could copy arbitrary files off a USB stick I could leave my laptop at home, but neither the goflex satellite, the airstash, nor the camera connection kit will give me access to a USB stick.
For copying stuff from camera cards I just use the Apple Camera connection kit. airstash is way overkill if that's your use case. But if you want to use sd cards for storing other stuff, then it makes sense. I went the goflex satellite route for bulk media storage. But where I occasionally get stuck is dealing with USB sticks. I am often in training seminars and the courseware invariably gets passed around on a USB stick. If I could copy arbitrary files off a USB stick I could leave my laptop at home, but neither the goflex satellite, the airstash, nor the camera connection kit will give me access to a USB stick.

If it is jail broken.... You can read USB sticks 8gb or less withiFile.

The Airstash can write to SD cards great for copying SDcards in the field or on vacation.... Never have enough backups!

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