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securing old jailbreaked os?


iPF Noob
i have to bring my pad to the store as a button doesnt work properly.
now as apple states every ipad looses its guarantee if it is jailbreaked i have to unjailbreak it. would be easy just updating to the new os but i would really like to keep my os as it is now.
is there any way to make a copy of my os including everything on the pad and putting it back on later (like with pwnage for the iphone?)


you will have to re-jailbreak when you get it back, more than likely it will have the latest OS on it . So in order to re-jailbreak you will have to downgrade to 3.2.1, since it's already jailbroken you should have shsh blobs on file with cydia ( check and make sure).

To check fire up cydia and look at top of the home screen, you should see "This device has SHSHs on file for iPhone OS/IOS: 3.2,3.2.1,3.2.2"

so to re-jailbreak, get copy of 3.2.1 firmware , add Saurik's server to your hosts file and then do a restore of the 3.2.1 firmware then re-jailbreak.
hmm. i cant see this written on the cydia home screen :(
also where do i get the copy of 3.2.1? can i still download it from apple?
I just got my iPad a few days ago and hadn't really read about jailbreaking until now. iTunes already updated it to 3.2.2 Do I have any hope for jailbreaking?

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