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See what happens to a HOT roasted iPAD


iPF Noob
It's a sunny day here in Israel.
My wife was sitting outside. She got a phone call and left the iPAD outside
Baking in the sun . (more like roasted..)
She came back and the iPAD was turned off.
Tried to power up and got that nice picture
We cool it inside for 10 minutes and it came back all right.
(Ignore the cellular warning - that one is obvious)

What's nice about it was that it did let me capture a screen shot of it.

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Interesting. It didn't say what temp it got to? I always wondered what would happen as it gets pretty hot here esp. in the car.
It is spring time and the temperature outside is maybe 20-25 degrees (Celsius ).
It is the sun and the black ipad collecting energy.
Bu the way. the iPAD was still running. Meaning it just shut down the screen and probably
some other components like GPS Wifi and screen.
After 10 minutes I could press the HOME button - and back to business.
In car can't get as hot as on the sun. You have to remember black screen absorbs sun light.

Inside that thing there is a battery which could explode from a lot of heat, that's why the warning.
Yep this will happen when the iPad is left in side a car or aircraft on a WARM day. Best to slide the iPad under the seat when you are away. That keeps it out of direct sunlight and out of sight of would be thief's.
Wow...that's the main reason why I carry my iPad everywhere I go, because I'm afraid something will happen to it every time i leave it lying around.

It's amazing though, that yours didn't spoil. I actually expected it too. Goes to show how hardy the iPad is!

Sent from my iPad using iPF

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