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Self created icons won't show during multitask

Ive created an icon that is a direct link to a particular web page. It works great from the main screen. Problem is that when I go into multitask mode and scan the applications at the bottom of the screen, the icon is not there. I have a feeling that the apple does not know what do do with user related icon management. I get this impression because not only does my icon not show, but other icons that I've manipulated (moving all my downloaded games into one folder called games) does not show up as one folder ( but shows me each individual icon like it was before I merged them.)

Anyone else come across this or have a fix?


Only icons that you have opened show at the bottom. So the web browser shows up rather than the created icon. And whichever game(s) you opened. The folder is a folder not an icon.
Only icons that you have opened show at the bottom. So the web browser shows up rather than the created icon. And whichever game(s) you opened. The folder is a folder not an icon.

Not sure what you mean. Try this: bring up your safari browser, click your "screen with arrow button" to get to the option to " add to home screen". Once that's completed you should see the icon on the home screen. Click on the icon to open it. Then close it down. Go back to your main screen and select some other application. Then hit the home button twice to enable multitasking. If you then scroll through the icons at the bottom of the screen, you'll notice that the icon you just created is not displayed. I'm trying to figure out how it deciphers what to show during the multitask event.


If your created icon is to a safari web site, safari will show in the multi-task bar and if you tap it, it will open at that web site.
If your created icon is to a safari web site, safari will show in the multi-task bar and if you tap it, it will open at that web site.

What is a safari web site?when you perform a "add to homepage" , the icon gets created. Doesn't matter what website it's pointing to. Since safari is the only browser I've got, I have to figure that it's safari related.

What is a safari web site?when you perform a "add to homepage" , the icon gets created. Doesn't matter what website it's pointing to. Since safari is the only browser I've got, I have to figure that it's safari related.


The icon on your homepage represents the specific web page to which your browser was "pointed" when you saved the icon to your home screen. However, from the point of view of the OS, that icon represents the app that is used to access the web page. Thus, in the "multitasking" bar it displays the name of the browser, not the specific web page.

If you create multiple icons for different web pages, each will appear on your home screen. Touching each icon will open the broswer and point it to the specific web page associated with that icon. However, the multitasking bar will display only one icon, the browser, itself. If you tap it, it will open the last web page (i.e. icon) you accessed.

Unfortunately, in an effort to conceal the limited multitasking capabilities enabled by iOS, Apple has corrupted the term "multitasking." Technically, to accomplish what you're trying to do, iOS would have to "instantiate" multiple copies of a web browser (e.g. Safari) and associate each with a different web page. iOS does not support this. When you open safari it points either to the last configuration of web pages you had open when you closed it or to a specific web page you designate (via your "homemade" icon.) And when you close it, the multitasking bar's browser icon will now point at that web page.

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