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Set page size in Numbers


iPF Noob

I used the Invoice template in Numbers to create a custom Invoice for my company, I have not changed anything with the page apart from text style and adding company logo all looks really good, when I send it to the company I send it as a PDF, when the company tries to print the invoice it is asking the printer for A3 paper.
Is there any way of fixing this so that it auto prints to A4 or a way of setting page size in Numbers?

Any suggestions welcome!
The paper size is a default 8.5x11. Trust me.
Now the problem is with how Numbers on the iPad scales the spreadsheet down to fit the page size. Or when you check auto fit (under the print preview menu - tools, share and print, Print)

It doesn't scale the spreadsheet up or down to fit, it changes the paper size up and down. The smaller you make the spreadsheet, the bigger the paper size actually gets. Conversely if you scale the spreadsheet up, it actually just makes the paper size really small.
It changes the ratio of the two - just the wrong way.

So, to get your pdf to print on 8.5 x 11 ALWAYS keep your scale at 100%. Don't change it and don't click auto fit. Then you have to adjust the size of your rows and columns and keep checking your print preview to see if it prints on a single page. otherwise it will shove the extra columns and rows to another sheet of paper.

It took me a little while to modify, but it works every time for me now. I just with I could make the margins smaller and use text smaller than 9 points. That would help.
That, or the receiver will just have to open it on the computer first, and adjust printing from whatever app they are using to view the file.

Easy on a Mac using Preview. I'm not sure about on a PC using Adobe Reader.

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