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Shazam Updates iPhone App and Adds Retina Display Support for iPad


iPadForums News Team

TUAW writes today that Shazam has just updated its popular iPhone app and at the same time turned it into a universal app that has been optimised for the iPad, complete with Retina Display support. The app is basically a different way to interact with your music on your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch, other than the Music app that comes pre-installed. With the Shazam player, you can scan your music library, match tracks with LyricPlay, which also now supports AirPlay, and group your library tracks together according to artist, playlist, track and album. You can even watch YouTube videos of your favourite songs. Where the app really excels is with its sharing and music discovery features, which truly set it aside from the standard Music app. This more than makes up for the fact that LyricPlay doesn’t seem to work in certain countries, and even when it does work, it tends to be a little buggy.

Click here to download the free universal player: App Store - Shazam Player

Shazam Player is available for the iPad | TUAW - The Unofficial Apple Weblog
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