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Should Apple reconsider 7 inch?

A 7 inch pad isn't much more portable than the current size. Neither fits into your pocket. I think the screen real estate is one of the Ipad's greatest strengths.
After reading a few Galaxy Tab reviews I really don't see Apple releasing a 7" iPad anytime soon.

We've been thinking the 7" vs. iPad question a lot. We think that 7" will always be a purely personal device, so it's competing with mobile phones.

Surprisingly iPad is more than a personal device. It's almost something like super-portable TV: you can consume media on iPad together with other people. It's better for this kind of shared media consumption than a laptop, because iPad's effective view angle is much better than laptop's. We have been play testing our upcoming iPad game and in addition to 2 players, there has been audience of over 5 people, all seeing and enjoying the game same time. This is not something that you see happening with laptops.

Thus, in our opinion, iPad is a totally new kind of device, while 7" tablets are a continuum of personal mobile devices.

We might be wrong, but we see Apple making a larger iPhone (5"?) than a smaller iPad.
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I thought I would jump back in here because many are missing my point. As I said I agree that the current iPad is the perfect size. I also agree that the 7 inch is too small. My point is there are 1,000,000 people that disagree. The key to their purchase of the Galaxy Tab is that size was their top priority. The reason why I feel I can make such a definitive conclusion is the Tab has sold even though 1) effectively cost more than an iPad 2) not ready for prime time OS which Google even agrees 3) a lot less available apps.

My reasoning for Apple to release an iPad mini is to thwart the competition's foothold in the tablet market. Understand, that Apple has spent many, many years developing the tablet. It would be nice to see Apple reap more than just being the one to start the revolution. Look back at Apple's own history. If Apple had paid attention to the market and made sure they didn't let IBM develop a foothold, things could be quite different now. You all know the old saying, "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it"

Steve Jobs is an elitist and he would probably cringe at the idea but this is a strategic move. This is to delay the competition so Apple can further unravel their master plan. I believe Apple has an overall plan that involves the iPhone, iPad and Apple TV. Look at the iPad mini as being like the iPod Touch. The iPod Touch is not a game changer device, but it fits a niche and will spread this user family experience to more people
I thought I would jump back in here because many are missing my point. As I said I agree that the current iPad is the perfect size. I also agree that the 7 inch is too small. My point is there are 1,000,000 people that disagree. The key to their purchase of the Galaxy Tab is that size was their top priority. The reason why I feel I can make such a definitive conclusion is the Tab has sold even though 1) effectively cost more than an iPad 2) not ready for prime time OS which Google even agrees 3) a lot less available apps.

My reasoning for Apple to release an iPad mini is to thwart the competition's foothold in the tablet market. Understand, that Apple has spent many, many years developing the tablet. It would be nice to see Apple reap more than just being the one to start the revolution. Look back at Apple's own history. If Apple had paid attention to the market and made sure they didn't let IBM develop a foothold, things could be quite different now. You all know the old saying, "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it"

Steve Jobs is an elitist and he would probably cringe at the idea but this is a strategic move. This is to delay the competition so Apple can further unravel their master plan. I believe Apple has an overall plan that involves the iPhone, iPad and Apple TV. Look at the iPad mini as being like the iPod Touch. The iPod Touch is not a game changer device, but it fits a niche and will spread this user family experience to more people

As I stated in another thread the reason we won't see a smaller iPad is the simple fact that most of the market a 7in device would cut into would be iPad.....meaning profits would be a wash not counting the millions it would take to design it. Aside from all that Apple is known for creating a product and sticking to them (example the MacBook line).
My point is there are 1,000,000 people that disagree. The key to their purchase of the Galaxy Tab is that size was their top priority.

Sustained sales are ultimately the key. The ipad has been a consistent seller since its launch, and is poised to be one of the 'it' items this holiday. Android has its own fanbase, and the Galaxy is the new shiny kid on the block. Ultimately though, just because there's been an initial surge of Galaxy sales in no way means those sales will sustain over a long period, or that people may not start to see the limitations of a 7" pad if their aim is to use it in the same manner we use our ipads. 9'7" is a very comfortable sweet spot, I couldn't imagine using the pad in the manner I do with 3 inches less of screen. That's just me, though...
I thought I would jump back in here because many are missing my point. As I said I agree that the current iPad is the perfect size. I also agree that the 7 inch is too small. My point is there are 1,000,000 people that disagree. The key to their purchase of the Galaxy Tab is that size was their top priority.
I don't believe that the key to those purchasing decisions was the 7" screen. While the size certainly appealed to some, I suspect the "key" to many others can be summed up in three words: not from Apple! There are plenty of geeks I know who live by that mantra... and ANY table that came at all close to the iPad would suffice.

We also don't know how many of those Tabs were sold to end users or to distributers. That is an important distinction that Samsung did not disclose.

Nor do we know how many Tabs were sold subsidized, with a carrier contract. At $350-$400 with a two year contract that is significantly less than the iPad 3G 16GB, let alone 32GB.

Finally, we have yet to see what the satisfaction rate of the Tab is to end users. I don't recall nearly as many negative reviews when the iPad came out, compared to what I have seen for the Tab.

Let's see what happens after the "waiting for anything other than the iPad" crowd has been exhausted and people have had it for a while.

I was originally thinking I would love a 7" tablet... and maybe I would. But I just don't see that as being the Galaxy Tab. I'm also not convinced the size is still portable for me.... I just can't see walking around with that thing in my back pocket--and yet still need to carry my cell phone. I'd feel like I was Zack from Saved by the Bell when he carried that giant antique cell phone around (well not so antique back then :) ).

No, to me - an iPod Touch or iPhone compels because its small enough to fit in ones pocket, even though that means a screen that is less than optimal. iPad compells because the screen is big and really nice and its not portable in your pocket but its small enough to carry around. a 7" will have a less useful screen and still not fit in your pocket. So I'm not sure of the point of it.
I vote yes. A 7 inch version would be perfect for loads of things that you cannot do with the 9.7 inch version.
M [Walt Mossberg]: A lot of people think given the success you've had with portable devices, you should be making a tablet or a PDA.
J [Steve Jobs]: There are no plans to make a tablet. It turns out people want keyboards. When Apple first started out, people couldn't type. We realized: Death would eventually take care of this." "We look at the tablet and we think it’s going to fail."

Interview - 2003

You'll have your 7 inch tablet in seven years. :D

That reminds me of another interview that was highly discussed on MobileRead a few years back where Mr Jobs said that people do not read anymore and that Apple would never make a device for reading...well, maybe not only for reading...but...:p
I also heard many rumours about the next iPad. I think the next one will be better and released soon.However, I hope that apple will keep the 9.7-inch size.Honestly speaking, The most important reazon i chose to Ipad is that the screen size is very comfortable, which can make me enjoying movies on my ipad, not so, i also order a Aneesoft dvd to ipad converter and Netflix app, both all can make my "home theater" more perfect!B)but if Apple reduce the ipad size to 7-inch, I I would rather use my cell phone whtch movie.
No. Apple should not be all things to all people. We need there to be at least one other viable tablet in the marketplace.

If the only product that sells is a Apple tablet we will always be limited to what Steve Jobs thinks is best, and he not always right. If he was I'd have an iPhone with Grafitti on it instead of an Android phone.

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