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Should i go for a jailbreak iPad3 with iOS 5.1.1

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What browser did you use to download the IPSW file? If you used Internet Explorer, then that's the trouble. Use another browser like Firefox or Chrome. Internet Explorer tries to make the file a .zip file - when it should be a file that ends in .ipsw.

Then, when you get to that step, you want to make sure it's the .ipsw file you select (the whole file).

See if that helps?

Yes I did it with Internet explorer but the icon that appeared is not a zip file. Anyhow, I will do it through chrome now. And what about saving it on D drive, does that make any difference, I did it because it's a 1 GB file and I didnt have enough space on my C drive. Because I have learnt from other sources that this file (IPSW) resides in C drive.
Yes I did it with Internet explorer but the icon that appeared is not a zip file. Anyhow, I will do it through chrome now. And what about saving it on D drive, does that make any difference, I did it because it's a 1 GB file and I didnt have enough space on my C drive. Because I have learnt from other sources that this file (IPSW) resides in C drive.

Internet Explorer will have renamed the file to .zip. You likely have Windows Explorer configured to hide file extensions from view which is why you do not see it.

The file can reside on any drive (I have all mine on an external drive). Wherever you read that the the file must be on C: is mistaken.

Good luck with the download.
I am not out of the woods yet, downloaded iOS 5.1.1 firmware again through Firefox on C Drive. This time it is residing in Administrator / Downloads. But once I follow the path staring from Computer / Users / ...........Apple Computer .....iTunes / iPad Software Updates....I can't find the much needed IPSW there and it is empty. I have gone through a lot of stuff on the Internet and learnt that there are a lot of reasons why we can't locate IPSW file. Mainly because
1. It might be hidden and needs to be revealed.
2. It might be downloaded as a zip and needs to be converted into IPSW.
3. It might be kinda a box type icon, as is in my case and sometimes just by renaming it as ISPW, it is recognized by Redsnow.
Must say its an extremely informative and helpful forum and experts are putting a lot to settle our issues but a little disappointed as I could hardly find any comprehensive info on the above subject. I strongly feel that there must be a tutorial / guide on the above issue as i have noticed a lot of guys facing the same problem being unable to locate the IPSW file. Would be grateful if experts could share info in this regards. I would also like to add that while responding any querry, experts should ensure that their reply is comprehensive and would easily be understood by the individual whose technical know how is much much lower that from the ones from whom he is asking. Thanks
I am sorry you are having issues in locating the IPSW file. However, downloading a file (and where it is put/named) is a function of each individual's computer and browser. No tutorial can possibly be written to cover every possible combination/set-up of personal computers and individual knowledge.

What we can do is help you keep chipping away at this. But, since it's now a computer issue, not an iPad issue, know that doing this via print is going to become a little frustrating for you. So, hang in there and we'll get this sorted. Or, if you can, ask a live person in your area to help you with the download? May be easier than us trying to tell you over the Internet...?

On your specific download question - have you tried a search of your computer for the .ipsw extension? You can search the whole comput and, tho it will take a while, it'll find it.

If you open your C: drive folder (click Start, select Computer), do you get a Windows Explorer window? On my Windows 7 PC, when the window opens, I get a list on the left side. One of the items in that list is my "Downloads" folder. If you get the folder with the list - is that IPSW file there?

Or, you can download, once again, the IPSW file and this time, put it on your Desktop of your laptop. This way, you can guarantee that you know where it has been put.

Try these suggestions to find/get the IPSW file. Again, I'm trying generic questions because everyone's computer set-up is different. Hopefully, this'll get you close to that file.

Keep us posted?

I am not out of the woods yet, downloaded iOS 5.1.1 firmware again through Firefox on C Drive. This time it is residing in Administrator / Downloads. But once I follow the path staring from Computer / Users / ...........Apple Computer .....iTunes / iPad Software Updates....I can't find the much needed IPSW there and it is empty. I have gone through a lot of stuff on the Internet and learnt that there are a lot of reasons why we can't locate IPSW file. Mainly because
1. It might be hidden and needs to be revealed.
2. It might be downloaded as a zip and needs to be converted into IPSW.
3. It might be kinda a box type icon, as is in my case and sometimes just by renaming it as ISPW, it is recognized by Redsnow.
Must say its an extremely informative and helpful forum and experts are putting a lot to settle our issues but a little disappointed as I could hardly find any comprehensive info on the above subject. I strongly feel that there must be a tutorial / guide on the above issue as i have noticed a lot of guys facing the same problem being unable to locate the IPSW file. Would be grateful if experts could share info in this regards. I would also like to add that while responding any querry, experts should ensure that their reply is comprehensive and would easily be understood by the individual whose technical know how is much much lower that from the ones from whom he is asking. Thanks

I believe your problem stems from the fact that you are downloading the ipsw file manually and placing it in the default windows download location. That's fine most of the time, but when you go to install the update iTunes expects it to be in a specific location as you specified above. You can either move the saved ipsw file to where iTunes expects it to be with Windows Explorer or when you are asked to pick the ipsw file in iTunes you tell it where you downloaded it. I think part of the problem is that windows turns off showing file extensions by default (so does OS X for that matter) which supposed to make things simpler, but does complicate it when you have a problem like this. You can turn that back on which will help. Here is how to do that:

Open Folder Options by clicking the Start button
, clicking Control Panel, clicking Appearance and Personalization, and then clicking Folder Options.

Click the View tab, and then, under Advanced settings, do one of the following:
  • To hide file extensions, select the Hide extensions for known file types check box, and then click OK.
  • To display file extensions, clear the Hide extensions for known file types check box, and then click OK.

Thanks f4780y and Marilyn,

Followed your tips and proceeded as per tutorial guidelines. All was going well untill i clicked IPSW and device went into recovery mode. Then after some time appeared the following message
"It seems the APTicket flashed on the device cannot be reused for this hack. If the current firmware was installed via an OTA update or at the factory, its APTicket contains the wrong data for this to work.
Your device should be kicked out of the recovery mode once you go back to the redsnow main menu ( if it does'nt, power cycle the device and then try redsnow's "recovery fix" button".
I tried the procedure twice and when second time the same message appeared, i kinda forced it to continue, after which came a message that probably the firmware you are trying for update is not the correct one. Thses two messages appeared when i tried to work with CDMA version. While before this when i tried GSM version, message came that it is 3.2 while the device connected is 3.3.
I am sure my device is 1430, and GSM is the correct firmware for it. But when it was refused earlier, so i tried CDMA which is 3.3, i mean iPad3.3_5.1.1_9B206_Restore.ipsw.
Please help.
If your version of iOS 5.1.1 is on your iPad because it came that way from the store or because you did an over-the-air upgrade to that version - then you will not be able to re-restore your iPad to iOS 5.1.1.

The re-restore only works if you put iOS 5.1.1 on the iPad using iTunes. Sorry.

I'm afraid that you will not be able to but iOS 5.1.1 on your iPad and your only option is to upgrade to iOS 6.0.1 and wait for a jail break for that version.

@ Marylyn,
I am extremely disappointed having known about it at this stage when I was almost done with everything. May I ask, what made you take such a long time to reveal this secret . Yes I have pointed out many a times on this forum that my iPad is ipad3, wifi/4g, iOS 5.1.1....what else i could have written and yet surprisingly you people never pointed out that restore can't be done on it. Anyways, thanks for your time.
There was a link posted to a tutorial that could tell you how to do this process in post #2 of this thread. In that tutorial, the fourth paragraph specifically said that if you (1) put iOS 5.1.1 on your iPad via the over-the-air process or (2) that it came from the store/factory with iOS 5.1.1 - you would [most likely] NOT be able to re-restore iOS 5.1.1.

We have no way of knowing how you got iOS 5.1.1 on your iPad. Only you were the one to know.

I am sorry this process did not work for you. However, you were apprised of all the facts from the beginning.

I think when I say I have ipad3, it certainly means that my iOS is 5.1.1 (unless i upgrade it to ios 6.0.1) as iPads 3 come with this operating system from the factory by default. Correct me if I am wrong, .....just wondering why you people failed to know the status of my device while I had put everything clearly and repeatedly in my posts :(
The iPad3, when it was released, was released with iOS 5.1; it came from the factory that way. The original release date of this generation of iPad/iOS was March 7, 2012.

On May 7, 2012, iOS 5.1.1 was released (this was 6 months AFTER the iPad3 was released).

Granted, back then, no one knew how a jail break was going to take form. It was sheer luck that a lot of people used iTunes to upgrade (versus using the OTA function).

Please let this be an indicator: If you are at all thinking of jail breaking your device, always use iTunes to upgrade the software.

Again, I am sorry that this process didn't work for you. However, please refrain from continually posting to cast blame. Thanks.

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