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iPF Novice
My very first quickey.

App: AutoDesk Sketchbook


I'll make a tutorial of how to do this 'for beginners' if we get 10 submissions. There are some easy tricks!


  • NumbLock's First Art.webp
    NumbLock's First Art.webp
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Wish I could get in on this, but alas I have the drawing skills of a crippled roach :(

I do have the app "art studio" and have seen some of the things people are doing with it..... envy...envy....envy.....

BTY, that is cool drawing.....:)
Ok, this isn't really working like I had hoped so I'll just tell you the trick. :D

All the good drawing apps support layers. Import what you would like to draw into one of the layers. Then switch to another layer and draw over the original picture until you have a good outline. Finally delete the layer with the source image inside and fill in the details and shadows of your drawing.

With just a little technological help, anyone can do it!

Another tip is to zoom in a lot, and use light colored pens.
You didn't wait for enough responses - I'll bet there are more artists here. I took tons of art classes as a kid, and I've already downloaded a few sketch programs. You're right, the trick to drawing with computers is zoom - much better control that way.
I have another one, but no way to upload it from the iPad. How lame!

Hm...maybe there is an app for that.
There is a lot more to this than a few tricks.. You've got some real talent.

I could know all the tricks in the book and not come close to producing anything as good as these..

Thanks for sharing.
Made some improvements. You always look more like an "artist" if you use a few bold strokes.


  • IMG_0027.webp
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...and a brand new creation, done over the last hour exclusively on my iPad using Sketchbook Pro.


  • IMG_0051[1].webp
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