Shutterstock is a well known provider of high-quality stock photographs and illustrations that are available for creative professionals around the world. So if you’re addicted to beautiful images and have and iPad the next feature is definitely for you. Yesterday, the company released a brand new app for the iPad, which provides a unique search experience and access to a library of more than 16 million stock photos. The app is designed to be a companion to Shuterstock.com
According to the release, Shutterstock designed the app with a single thing in mind – “make the content the interfaceâ€. So you’ll be able to get high-res previews, have curated content categories and even organize and share different lightbox collections via email, Facebook and Twitter. A subscription to Shutterstock isn’t exactly cheap, with a single high resolution image costing between $19 and $ 249 for a 750 high resolution, but the image quality and variety is unbeatable for artists and designers.
The Shutterstock iPad app was created with a desire to produce a better browsing experience. Wyatt Jenkins, VP of product said: “Browsing fοr images should be the mοѕt enjoyable thing creative professionals dο аll day. Every dесіѕіοn wе mаdе wіth Shutterstock for iPad uses a simple rule: make the content the interface ѕο users саn quickly experience more images іn a very tactile way.†Shutterstock for iPad is free, and it’s available right now in the App Store. Of course you’ll need a Shutterstock account to truly enjoy all it can provide, but browsing images and sharing them is for free.
Shutterstock for iPad for iPad on the iTunes App Store