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since getting the ipad how much stuff have you gotten rid of

iPad + Desktop + LogMeIn = Perfect!

Sold my laptop (MacBook Pro).

Kept my iPod (latest model; 64Gb Touch) which is now permanently hooked up to the Hi-Fi to play my music and Pandora.

Ordered an iMac 27" quad - should be here Thursday. Once the iMac settles in, I will get rid of my Windows desktop.

I love the simplicity of the iPad. I am using LogMeIn to access my other computers when I need to run a computer based app.
here is the question for everyone here on the board this morning ..

so tell me how many other items have you gotten rid of now that you have the ipad in your life ..

Haven't gotten rid of anything, but use it in the morning first instead of the PC to check overseas markets and the dow futures as well as multiple email accounts and a few other things.

The fact that it is always on and can do this with a few swipes is huge. Also use my Palm Pre now more as a phone only.
I haven't actually gotten rid of anything yet. However I no longer use my Kindle, PSP, and DSi. My iPhone used to be used hours each day. Now it's only used for calls and texts.
My laptop, movie player (Archos 5), and Sony eReader. And my Droid is now used only for basic phone functions and to tether to the iPad for internet.
I am getting the idea (and my iPhone has been lonely too since the iPad) that the iPad may effect the smartphone market.... I wonder if Apple saw this coming......
I am getting the idea (and my iPhone has been lonely too since the iPad) that the iPad may effect the smartphone market.... I wonder if Apple saw this coming......

I would think that Apple is making more on the iPad.

I have a Trak phone, but I would like to get a smartphone for the times when I don't want to carry my iPad.
I am getting the idea (and my iPhone has been lonely too since the iPad) that the iPad may effect the smartphone market.... I wonder if Apple saw this coming......

If seen reports on this, and yes they saw it coming. But the one that lost out the most by the last report I saw was iPod touch. Many people who planned to buy that abandoned the idea in favor of the iPad. But the iPad being a larger purchase is a win for Apple.
I agree with Bremen...

I don't use any games on my phone or anything like that. I only use it to text, gmail, tether to my ipad, and as a phone...
I sold an older MacBook Pro and an Apple TV (just in time ;)) to pay for a 16GB 3G iPad plus some apps and accessories. I'm still hanging onto my unibody MacBook but it's getting a lot less use these days. The same goes for my iPhone.... I had to wait 1 hour today at the doctor's office and stared at my iPhone like it was a bastard child.
32 inch LCD TV that was in my bedroom, a Dell Mini 10, Amazon Kindle 2, Zune 30GB and Zune 120GB... I kept my Zune HD for in-car use.
here is the question for everyone here on the board this morning ..

so tell me how many other items have you gotten rid of now that you have the ipad in your life ..

(3) iPad hating friends
The need to use the calendar feature on my Bberry
The need to use my iTouch as a portfolio
The weekly use of my desktop
i think it funny because of the my small circle of friend i have everyone of them after playing with my ipad and went and got a ipad in the diff size harddrives..plus my friends now blame me at times about beening ipad junkies ..

my girlfriend use hers a lot dureing the model shoots where she stuck waiting on the hair and makeup or the guy takeing the shot can is doing something and she pulls it out and starts playing a game with

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