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Since iOs5 some music tracks won't play on iPad model 1


iPF Noob
Tracks all play OK in iTunes on PC but don't playback on iPad model 1.

Tried turning off SoundCheck. Found that on a web site. Still no play...

Most strange. Any ideas?

Problem here as well

In my case, SOME tracks will play but most will not. Also when I select a track, the player shows and or plays a different track.
Everything plays fine with iTunes, just not on iOS devices.
Hard reset did not fix my issues.

Sent from my iPad using iPF
I may have found something.

1. Connect device via cable.
2. Within iTunes, uncheck music and initialized a sync to remove all music.
3. Power cycle iOS device, check music then sync again.

This worked for me, hope it works for everyone else.

Sent from my iPad using iPF
Yep, that worked...

Delete everything, re-boot, put everything back.

Elegant solution.

Only took all day.

Peace, love & happiness to all.

OrlandoDude said:
Yep, that worked...

Delete everything, re-boot, put everything back.

Elegant solution.

Only took all day.

Peace, love & happiness to all.


That's great!
I'm glad it worked for you.

Sent from my iPad using iPF
Forget music, I can't even use the iPF update properly. I cannot access my subscribed threads or any of the off topic threads.

iPad 2 Lover (Forced owner of 3 dogs now, 2 of which I love)
iPad 2 is cool said:
Forget music, I can't even use the iPF update properly. I cannot access my subscribed threads or any of the off topic threads.

iPad 2 Lover (Forced owner of 3 dogs now, 2 of which I love)

Yes, we are aware of the issue "post update" but rest assured that there is a further update coming from ForumRunner very soon as they are aware that this update hasn't resolved the issued.

Hopefully you won't have o wait to long to have a fully operating IPF app again.

The Archangel

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